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As part of SBL's commitment to fostering biblical scholarship, the SBL website provides a range of supportive resources. To further this aim we are now adopting a suggestion made by many of our members: that we begin to make a collection of syllabi for courses in biblical study.

Such a resource would enable newcomers to the field to have a sense of what is currently being taught in particular areas of the field and would permit more experienced colleagues to be aware of any changes of focus or direction among colleagues working in similar areas.

We are asking for contributions now in the hopes that we catch you before you leave for summer break. We would welcome these syllabi in PDF or Word format or as a web link, whatever is most convenient to you, but we would ask that beforehand you check with your institutions that they would not find such a move on your part objectionable.

We would further ask that you give us the following supporting information:

  1. The type of institution in which you work (liberal arts college, university [private or public], seminary, church foundation [with denomination], etc.
  2. The sequence of years this course has run (or is planned for)
  3. The year/level of the students
  4. The typical number of students
  5. Any other characteristics of your course that you would like to mention
  6. Your citation preference

Please e-mail your contributions to:
Heather McKay or Sharon Johnson

or mail to:
Sharon Johnson
Society of Biblical Literature
825 Houston Mill Road
Atlanta, GA 30329

To see the progress of our collection see the Syllabi Collection page under the Resources section.

Comments on this article? email:
Let us know if you would like your comments sent to the author or considered for publication as a letter to the editor. Please include your full name and, if you would like, your affiliation.



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