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<< Return to SBL Forum Archive 2002 Research and Technology Grants Program Award Recipients

In April 2002 the SBL Research and Publications Committee approved funding for the following research and technology grant proposals:

—Religion and Technology Center, c/o James R. Adair, Jr., and Timothy J. Finney, "The Biblical Manuscripts Project"-$3,000 to support the production and dissemination of high-quality digital images of important biblical manuscripts (e.g. Sinaiticus, Alexandrinus, et al.) from photographic facsimile editions held in the library system of Emory University.

—James A. Kelhoffer (Saint Louis University), "Defining the Past: Debates concerning Origins in Earliest Christianity"-$2,750 to support travel to and research in major library collections which are otherwise inaccessible, with the goal of producing a full-length book manuscript for submission to the SBL publications program.

Each year the Research and Publications Committee has sought to fund direct expenses for research projects and technology projects consistent with the Society's objectives. The Committee has favored proposals that use the Society's award as seed money, or as matching funds for another award. These awards have been made to scholars who are members of SBL. The individual amount awarded has typically been $3,000 or less.

Citation: , " 2002 Research and Technology Grants Program Award Recipients," SBL Forum , n.p. [cited June 2005]. Online:



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