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<< Return to SBL Forum Archive Call for Programs, Coalition on the Academic Workforce

The Coalition on the Academic Workforce maintains a website,, where it is developing two lists of programs that address adjunct and contingent faculty work. One list will feature programs supported by associations, and it will document various kinds of help associations offer adjunct and contingent faculty. The other list will feature institutional programs. If your institution has a program or policy that supports non-tenure line faculty members through benefits and practices to help these teachers share in institutional work, practice, and culture, please send an electronic link or description of that program to Monica F. Jacobe at You may also send information about programs you may know of at other institutions.

The Coalition on the Academic Workforce (CAW) was established in 1997 by a group of higher education and disciplinary associations concerned about the dramatic increase in the use of "contingent," or non-tenure-track, faculty appointments. Many faculty with such appointments are employed part-time and lack adequate pay, benefits, and professional support. Contingent faculty members employed full time are often excluded from the governance processes at their institutions and often serve on limited-term appointments. The purposes of the Coalition on the Academic Workplace are:

- to collect and disseminate information on the use use of part-time and contingent faculty member and its implications for students, parents, faculty members, and institutions;

- to articulate and clarify differences in the extent and consequences of changes in the faculty within and among the various academic disciplines and fields of study;

- to evaluate both short-term and long-term consequences for society and the public good of changes in the academic workforce;

- to identify and promote strategies for solving the problems created by inappropriate use of part-time, adjunct, and similar faculty appointments; and

- to strengthen teaching and scholarship

SBL is a supporting member of CAW.

Monica F. Jacobe
Research Fellow
American Association of University Professors
1012 14th Street, NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005
202-737-5900, ext. 3045

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Citation: Monica F. Jacobe, " Call for Programs, Coalition on the Academic Workforce," SBL Forum , n.p. [cited May 2006]. Online:



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