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Just in time to celebrate JBL's 125th birthday, the SBL is pleased to offer all members free access to the full text of the Journal of Biblical Literature (1881-) within the JSTOR archive (recent issues will continue to be made available on the SBL website). Thus, for the first time ever, SBL members can search for any word or phrase within JBL, browse the contents of any issue, and read or print any article—no matter how long ago it may have been published.

To access the JSTOR JBL archive, simply come to the SBL website, log-in with your member ID number, navigate to the (JBL page), and click on the "Enter JSTOR" link. You will immediately be redirected to the JSTOR JBL archive, where you can search, browse, read, and print to your heart's content.

The entire back run is available now, but several individual issues are missing. If you have a copy of JBL's Vols. 9-10 [1890-1891]; Vol. 28 [1909]; Vol. 29, No. 2 [1911]; Vol. 32, No. 2 [1913] , please contact SBL or JSTOR at

JSTOR is an independent not-for-profit organization founded in 1995 with a mission to help the scholarly community take advantage of advances in information technology. Building on this mission, JSTOR has created a reliable and comprehensive archive of scholarly journals with the goal of both lowering the long-term costs associated with the storage of journal collections and increasing access to these journals. More than ten years since its inception, JSTOR has grown dramatically as a result of the widespread support from libraries, publishers, and the academic community at large. Currently, more than 350 publishers contribute over 700 journals, nearly 600 of which are online today. With 12 collections available—Arts & Sciences I, II, III, IV, and the Complement; Biological Sciences; Business; Ecology & Botany; General Science; Language & Literature; Mathematics & Statistics; and Music—the archive currently provides online access to 20 million pages of historic research. These collections span 42 diverse disciplines ranging from archaeology to law to zoology. Over 2600 institutions currently participate in JSTOR, comprising academic libraries, governmental agencies, non-profits and research organizations, from 95 countries around the world. For more information on JSTOR, please visit:

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Citation: , " JBL on JSTOR," SBL Forum , n.p. [cited Jan 2006]. Online:



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