The Ancient Israel and Its Literature (AIL) series publishes monographs, revised dissertations, and collections of essays on the history, culture, and literature of ancient Israel and Judah, particularly as these are reflected in or inform our reading of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. Works on the social world of the biblical writings, the ancient Near Eastern context in which ancient Israel and Judah originated and lived, biblical or theological themes, or other comparable areas of study will also be considered.
The SBL Press AIL editorial board is led by General Editor Corrine L. Carvalho (University of Saint Thomas) and includes the following members:
Andrew R. Davis, Boston College
Katharine Dell, University of Cambridge
Alphonso Groenewald, University of Pretoria
Elaine James, Princeton Theological Seminary
Christophe Nihan, Universität Münster
For more information about publishing a book in this series, contact
Corrine L. Carvalho.
See the complete list of Ancient Israel and Its Literature volumes in our
online catalog.