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SBL is the largest and oldest association of biblical scholars in the world. We have an international membership of over 7,000 individuals devoted to the academic study of the Bible from a variety of approaches. In addition to the consumption of academic resources, SBL members also influence librarians, students, and the general public.

Advertise in Print

See the Journal Advertising Form for pricing for the Journal of Biblical Literature and the Review of Biblical Literature yearly print editions. For more information regarding this service, contact Jonathan Potter .

Advertise and Exhibit at an SBL Meeting

There are many marketing opportunities at the Annual, International, and Golbal Virtual Meetings or local public events. You can sponsor items and events at the meetings such as the tote bag, the Cyber and Food Cafe, aisle signs, lanyards, a coffee break, directional signs, information desk and receptions. If the online advertiser and sponsorship information is not yet available for the meeting you are interested in, contact us at

Advertise your Job

If you are looking for a job candidate in theological, religious, biblical, and related studies; for library or administrative jobs; or for positions of religious leadership: Publicize your job opening with SBL.

Rent the SBL Mailing List

SBL will rent the mailing list for ONE-TIME USE ONLY. The PDF order form for mailing list contains pricing for the most commonly ordered lists. The list can be customized to meet your needs. If you have a custom order request, contact SBL Customer Service for a quote.

Send an Email to SBL Members

This PDF order form for email list is for use to send an email to SBL members. While SBL will not rent the email list, SBL will send emails on behalf of publishers and other advertisers of interest to our members. The publisher/advertiser is responsible for composing the email. Please send the html source code for the email if possible. For more information regarding this service, contact SBL Customer Service.


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