The SBL Necrology List is read aloud at the Annual Business Meeting at the Annual Meeting. The list runs from November to November. Send in names of members who have passed away to Manager of Member Relations and Administration so they can be included in this SBL tradition.
2024 Necrology (November 2023-November 2024)
Daniel Patte (2024)
David Balch (2024) Tribute (from Carolyn Osiek, RSCJ)
David Winston Suter (2024)
Samuel E. Balentine (1950-2024) Obituary and Tribute (by Walter Brueggemann)
Patrick H. Alexander (2024)
Philip D. Stern (1957-2024)
Sara Japhet (1934-2024) Obituary and Tribute (from Marc Zvi Brettler and Tamara Cohn Eskenazi)
Norman Richard Petersen, Jr. (1933-2024) Obituary and Tribute (from Kristen Petersen and George Nickelsburg)
Dale B. Martin (1954-2023)
2023 Necrology (November 2022-November 2023)
Amélie Kuhrt (1944-2022)
David Winston (1927-2022)
Bilha Nitzan (1933-2022)
2022 Necrology (November 2021-November 2022)
Monica Lyn Walsh Brady (1968-2021)
2021 Necrology (November 2020-November 2021)
This loss is felt deeply by
many and felt closely by SBL. Dr. Richard D. Weis was a member of the SBL
team updating the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, serving as the
book editor for Jeremiah 21-52.
2020 Necrology (November 2019-November 2020)
Thomas O. Lambin (1927-2020)
Patrick D. Miller Jr. (1935-2020)
Philip J. King (1925-2019)
Lamin Sanneh (1943-2019)
2018 Necrology (November 2017-November 2018)
Andries Bernhardus Du Toit (1935-2018)
Jonathan Z. Smith (1938-2017)
SBL President 2008
Lawrence E. Stager (1943-2017)
2017 Necrology (November 2016-November 2017)
Martin A. Klopfenstein (1931-2016)
2016 Necrology (November 2015-November 2016)
Turid Karlsen Seim (1945-2016)
A. Thomas Kraabel (1934-2016 )
Peter Flint (1952-2016)
Luise Schottroff (1934-2015)
Marcus Borg (1942-2015)
2014 Necrology (November 2013-November 2014)
Edwin M. 'Ted' Good (1928-2014)
2013 Necrology (November 2012-November 2013)
Sean Freyne passed away August 5, 2013.
See Larry Hurtados's notice here.
Paul W. Meyer, the Helen H. P. MansonProfessor Emeritus of New Testament Literature and Exegesis at PrincetonTheological Seminary.
Robert Culley 1932- 2013
died June 14, 2013, whilst in palliative care, surrounded by his family after an heroic fight against skin cancer. Dr. Culley was Professor of Old Testament Studies / Hebrew Bible at McGill University (Faculty of Religious Studies and Presbyterian College) from 1966-1997. He was also a past President of CSBS serving in 1981-82. In addition to many articles, monographs, and being the long-time editor of Semeia, Dr. Culley was best known for his writings on the Psalms.
Montreal Gazette notice
Colleagues have sadly learned of the passing of one of the most influential scholars in biblical studies, Professor Geza Vermes(1924-2013). Posts about this loss to humanities, friends, family, and colleagues are listed here:
NT Blog
The Times of London
2012 Necrology
Frank Moore Cross, Jr. (1921-2012)
1974 SBL President
Hershel Shanks honors Frank Moore Cross in an article published this week by Biblical Archaeology Review, reproduced here with permission.
A tribute to Frank Cross, written by Jonathan Rosenbaum, is available on the ASOR Blog
Walter Harrelson (1919-2012)
1972 SBL President
Louis Stulman has written a memorial for SBLmember A. R. Pete Diamond, on the one-year anniversary of his passing.
Helmer Ringgren 1917- 2012
David B. Weisberg (1938-2012)
The following is a paper by Victor Avigdor Hurowitz delivered at a mini-conference held in Lamberts memory at the Hebrew University:
2011 Necrology
C. K. Barrett
W. Boyd Barrick
Hendrikus W. Boers
Simon J. DeVries
Thomas W. Gillespie
Friedemann Walter Golka
Brian Hesse
Timothy Dale Howell
Marshall D. Johnson
John McGovern
James Russell Morton
Herbert Opalek
Lee Perry
Anson F. Rainey
Audio Interviews from the Israel National Radio show: LandMinds
Anson Rainey
Memorial (Part I):
Anson Rainey Memorial (Part II)Interview with Dr. Paul Wright
Anson Rainey Memorial (Part III)Interview with Dr. Yigal Levin
Anson Rainey Memorial (Part IV)Interview with Prof. Aharon Demsky
Robert K. Rapa
B. Elmo Scoggin
Alan F. Segal
SBL members and staff alike have shared many warm and remarkable stories about our colleague Alan Segal (1945- February 13, 2011). He left light and learning behind. May he rest in peace.
2010 Obituaries
Clark Pinnock 1937- 2010
Gerald Hawthorne 1925- 2010
2009 Obituaries
Martin Hengel 1926-2009
2007 Obituaries
Hendrikus W. Boers 1928-2007
Brevard S. Childs, 1923-2007
Dame Mary Douglas, 1921-2007
Reginald H. Fuller, 1915- 2007
J. Alan Groves, 1952-2007
Bruce Manning Metzger, 1914-2007
Paul S. Minear, 1906-2007
C.F.D. Moule, 1908-2007
Rev. Robert North, S.J., 1916-2007
Michael Patrick O'Connor, 1950-2007
William L. Petersen, 1950-2006
James F. Ross, 1927 - 2007
John Strugnell, 1930-2007
Thomas F. Torrance, 1913-2007
Edwina Maria (Wyn) Wright, 1946–2007