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Daniel Tran Foskett Hudgins Memorial Student Travel Award

Award Title
The Daniel Tran Foskett Hudgins Memorial Student Travel Award

The Daniel Tran Foskett Hudgins Memorial Student Travel Award is named in memory of Daniel Tran Foskett Hudgins, the beloved son of SBL member and former chair of SBL Council Mary Foskett and Scott Hudgins. In late 2021, Daniel was diagnosed with a devastating cancer. He died on 1 March 2022, at age 21. His brief but beautiful life was characterized by love and service. You can read his obituary here.

As a testimony to Daniel’s life and service, the Ethnic Chinese Biblical Colloquium initiated and helped establish this SBL award in his honor. SBL members are invited and encouraged to continue to support this award by donating to it here.

The $1,200 award provides support for a graduate student (masters and PhD) of Asian ancestry participating in a session or workshop at the SBL Annual Meeting, and based on demonstrable financial need. The award is intended to help defray the cost of travel, lodging, and food. A complimentary Annual Meeting registration is included.

Qualifications for Submission
To be eligible to apply for this award, the candidate must

  • be a current member of SBL and of Asian ancestry;
  • be enrolled as a graduate student (masters and PhD) and be in good standing in biblical studies;
  • be participating in a session or workshop at the SBL Annual Meeting; and
  • demonstrate financial need.
Recipients may not receive the award more than one time over three consecutive years.

What the Award Includes

  • A $55 meals per diem for four days ($220). No receipts are required.
  • Up to $980 reimbursement of travel (airfare and ground transportation) and lodging. Receipts are required.
  • Complimentary Annual Meeting registration.
The award recipient is strongly encouraged to attend the SBL Business meeting and CUREMP lunch.

Procedure for the Award Application

  • Submit the award application using the online application form no later than 30 May 2024.
  • The application form must include the following information:
    • Proof of acceptance to participate in a session, on a panel, or in a workshop in the Annual Meeting program.
    • Statement of financial need.
  • A letter of recommendation from a faculty member who knows the applicant’s academic interests and can confirm his or her interest in SBL. This letter should be included in the form with other application materiels.

15 April: award application opens.
30 May: deadline for application form and recommendation letter.
15 July: award decisions will be announced.
Online Application Form

2024 Daniel Tran Foskett Hudgins Memorial Student Travel Award Winner

2023 Daniel Tran Foskett Hudgins Memorial Student Travel Award Winner



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