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Meeting Program Units

2024 Annual Meeting

San Diego, California

Meeting Begins11/23/2024
Meeting Ends11/26/2024

Call for Papers Opens: 1/24/2024
Call for Papers Closes: 3/20/2024

Requirements for Participation

Feminist Hermeneutics of the Bible

Program Unit Type: Section
Accepting Papers? Yes

Call For Papers: The Feminist Hermeneutics of the Bible (FHB) program unit will offer and/or co-sponsor the following four sessions at the 2024 annual meeting.

Session 1: Open Call for Papers: The Feminist Hermeneutics of the Bible program unit issues an open call for papers. Papers that use feminist, womanist, Latina/x and/or other cognate ideological frames to read biblical texts are encouraged. Special consideration will be given to papers that apply these hermeneutics to their reading and interpretation of the Bible.

Session 2: Galatians 3:28 in Feminist and Womanist Perspectives: The Feminist Hermeneutics of the Bible and the Paul and Politics program units present Galatians 3:28 in Feminist and Womanist Perspectives. This invited panel of feminist and womanist scholars will enhance our understanding of this critical text by bringing to bear intersectional approaches that engage gender, race and sexuality.

Session 3: Masculinity Studies in Biblical Scholarship: Feminist, Womanist, and Queer Assessments: The Feminist Hermeneutics of the Bible and the LGBTI/Queer Hermeneutics program units present Masculinity Studies in Biblical Scholarship: Feminist, Womanist, and Queer Assessments. This invited panel will focus upon current trends in masculinity studies in the field of biblical studies with special attention to what feminist, womanist, and queer interpretations bring to the topic.

Session 4: Latino/a/e and Latin American Biblical Interpretation: José Esteban Muñoz The Feminist Hermeneutics of the Bible program unit is co-sponsoring the Latino/a/e and Latin American Biblical Interpretation's invited panel on the impact and influence of the work of the late queer performance theorist José Esteban Muñoz on the study of religion and sexuality.

Program Unit Chairs

Midori E. Hartman
Sharon Jacob

Propose a Paper for this Program Unit

If you are a SBL member, you must login before you can propose a paper for this or any other session. Please login by entering your SBL member number on the left in the Login box.

For all other persons wanting to propose a paper, you must communicate directly with the chair of the program unit to which you want to propose. Chairs have the responsibility to make waiver requests, and their email addresses are available above. SBL provides membership and meeting registration waivers only for scholars who are outside the disciplines covered by the SBL program, specifically most aspects of archaeological, biblical, religious, and theological studies.

Questions About Membership?

  • Call 866-727-9955 Toll Free in the US
  • Call 404-727-9498 Outside the US
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