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Meeting Program Units

2022 Annual Meeting

Denver, Colorado

Meeting Begins11/19/2022
Meeting Ends11/22/2022

Call for Papers Opens: 1/19/2022
Call for Papers Closes: 3/18/2022

Requirements for Participation

Biblical Law

Program Unit Type: Section
Accepting Papers? Yes

Call For Papers: The Biblical Law section plans four sessions for the 2022 Annual Meeting. We invite proposals for two open sessions on any aspect of the study of biblical law, including work related to cuneiform documents, the Dead Sea Scrolls and other Second Temple Literature, questions of pentateuchal criticism, legal history, gender analysis, social-scientific analysis, and newer methodologies. Together with the Deuteronomy section, we will be co-sponsoring a session of invited papers on the topic of "Is Deuteronomy Law?" We will also be co-sponsoring a session with the Gender, Sexuality, and Bible section on the topic of gender identity (beyond the binary opposition between man and woman) and legal status. In this session, we will consider the role that gender plays in conferring specific legal rights, obligations, and social statuses in Near Eastern and biblical law. We invite papers that explore questions related to this theme, such as: How does (or doesn’t) sexuality define the social/legal status of women, especially in the areas of marriage and adoption? How does gender define the institution of inheritance? Although it appears that patrilineal descent was considered the customary norm, what do texts reveal about the legal autonomy of women in such systems? Were gendered legal statuses (i.e., father/mother/brother/sister) based on biological or social definitions? Could people legally change their gender?

Program Unit Chairs

Andrew D. Gross
Hilary Lipka

Propose a Paper for this Program Unit

If you are a SBL member, you must login before you can propose a paper for this or any other session. Please login by entering your SBL member number on the left in the Login box.

For all other persons wanting to propose a paper, you must communicate directly with the chair of the program unit to which you want to propose. Chairs have the responsibility to make waiver requests, and their email addresses are available above. SBL provides membership and meeting registration waivers only for scholars who are outside the disciplines covered by the SBL program, specifically most aspects of archaeological, biblical, religious, and theological studies.

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  • Call 866-727-9955 Toll Free in the US
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