For the 2021 SBL meeting, we seek paper proposals in the following two areas:
Session #1: Teaching with Diverse Media
We invite presentations (20 minutes each) on enhancing teaching and learning through incorporating diverse media into the classroom. Such media might include visual media (e.g., art, film), audio media (e.g., music), and material artifacts and other media (e.g., video games). What aspects of Biblical Studies and the biblical text lend themselves to “media-rich” pedagogical approaches? We seek engaging presentations explaining and modeling specific approaches that enhance direct instruction and active learning through use of diverse media.
Session #2: Improving Pedagogy and Assessment
We seek proposals that explain and demonstrate innovative approaches to pedagogy and assessing learning. What innovative pedagogical methods developed or implemented during the Covid crisis do you plan to continue to use going forward? Which forms of assessment are particularly beneficial to your teaching practice and why? What factors guide your approach to learning assessment? And what role should classroom demographics and dynamics play in shaping pedagogy and assessments? Presentations are 20 minutes each, with practical examples given.