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Meeting Program Units

2016 Annual Meeting

San Antonio, TX

Meeting Begins11/19/2016
Meeting Ends11/22/2016

Call for Papers Opens: 12/16/2015
Call for Papers Closes: 3/1/2016

Requirements for Participation

Poverty in the Biblical World

Program Unit Type: Section
Accepting Papers? Yes

Call For Papers: We will host four sessions and an off-site event at the San Antonio meeting. SESSION 1 INVITES PAPERS examining aspects of “Jubilee” as articulated in Hebrew Biblical (e.g., Lev 25; Is 61) and New Testament texts (e.g., Luke 4), including cancellation of debts, release of debt-slaves, return to the land, etc. Venerable scholars have long argued that “Jubilee” was an ideal not practiced in Israel, but recent studies suggest that Jubilee themes echo through Major Prophets, select DSS, and the Jesus movement, and that some Jubilee traditions were practiced, esp in Second Temple and post-ST Judaism and emergent Christianity. What new methods, questions, and explorations can illuminate the importance of “Jubilee” in these periods? SESSION 2 INVITES PAPERS analyzing the reception history of “Jubilee”, esp. focusing on contemporary movements that embrace it (e.g., Howard Thurman, the “Jubilee” Bible, post-Occupy debt forgiveness, Jubilee Project). How and why do these practitioners define and enact “Jubilee”? What cultural and political realities undergird “Jubilee” so conceived? What methods of analysis best illuminate the historical contexts in which it is practiced? SESSION 3: “Paul in Diaspora: Reading Paul with Migration, Postcolonial, and Diaspora Studies," explores import of migration and diaspora (including forced migration and its epiphenomena, trauma and enslavement, in the Roman Empire) for interpreting Paul, the letters, and communities. Co-sponsored by Paul and Politics. SESSION 4: “The Global Climate Crisis, Global Capitalism, and Poverty.” Planned with and co-sponsored by Ecological Hermeneutics. OFF-SITE EVENT NOV 18: On Nov 18, We, The Poverty Consortium, and other organizations will co-sponsor a 2/3rds day immersion into poverty-related challenges facing San Antonio residents. Questions or further inquiries about these sessions can be directed to co-chairs, Diana Swancutt, at and Matthew Coomber at

Program Unit Chairs

Diana M. Swancutt
Matthew J.M. Coomber

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For all other persons wanting to propose a paper, you must communicate directly with the chair of the program unit to which you want to propose. Chairs have the responsibility to make waiver requests, and their email addresses are available above. SBL provides membership and meeting registration waivers only for scholars who are outside the disciplines covered by the SBL program, specifically most aspects of archaeological, biblical, religious, and theological studies.

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