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Meeting Program Units

2016 Annual Meeting

San Antonio, TX

Meeting Begins11/19/2016
Meeting Ends11/22/2016

Call for Papers Opens: 12/16/2015
Call for Papers Closes: 3/1/2016

Requirements for Participation

Women in the Biblical World

Program Unit Type: Section
Accepting Papers? Yes

Call For Papers: Women in the Biblical World invites proposals for papers in four sessions: 1) Gender and Violence in Antiquity. From the masculinizing of martyrs to the metaphoric rape of feminized nations in Roman art and biblical prophets, gender and violence often coalesce in ancient religion. This panel invites papers to investigate the intersection of these two themes in ancient religious artifacts (textual and material). [Co-sponsored with Violence and Representations of Violence in Antiquity]; 2) Women’s Agency in Antiquity: Uncovering women’s agency within male-authored texts has been a common concern of feminist scholarship. More recently, however, some scholars have challenged the usefulness of agency as a category by historicizing it as a product of secular modernity. This session invites papers that continue to explore questions of women’s agency in ancient texts and artifacts, or that question the centrality of agency as a primary focus of inquiry. 3) Innocence: Interpreters sometime use the term “innocent” to describe certain biblical characters based upon the character’s age and gender. However, innocence is a social construct often applied to biblical characters, such as children, without critical analysis. Factors such as race and class affect who is automatically assumed to be “innocent” and who is not “innocent.” This session invites papers that address how race, ethnicity, gender, and age influence how readers and the texts themselves evaluate characters and their innocence, especially woman and children. [Co-sponsored with Children in the Biblical World] 4) Open session

Program Unit Chairs

Vanessa Lovelace
Susan E. Hylen

Propose a Paper for this Program Unit

If you are a SBL member, you must login before you can propose a paper for this or any other session. Please login by entering your SBL member number on the left in the Login box.

For all other persons wanting to propose a paper, you must communicate directly with the chair of the program unit to which you want to propose. Chairs have the responsibility to make waiver requests, and their email addresses are available above. SBL provides membership and meeting registration waivers only for scholars who are outside the disciplines covered by the SBL program, specifically most aspects of archaeological, biblical, religious, and theological studies.

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