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Meeting Program Units

2015 Annual Meeting

Atlanta, GA

Meeting Begins11/21/2015
Meeting Ends11/24/2015

Call for Papers Opens: 12/17/2014
Call for Papers Closes: 3/4/2015

Requirements for Participation

Sabbath in Text and Tradition

Program Unit Type: Seminar
Accepting Papers? Yes

Call For Papers: The Sabbath in Text and Tradition Group invites papers on two topics. 1) The Sabbath in Second Temple Judaism and the Greco-Roman World-- While the biblical material related to the Sabbath has been well studied, less attention has been paid to the non-biblical material from the Second Temple period. This session welcomes papers that focus on the non-biblical sources of the first few centuries of the Common Era. This would include authors such as Philo and Josephus, material from Qumran as well as Rabbinic traditions that arguably belong within the Second Temple period. Other topics that might be addressed include Greco-Roman references to the Sabbath, as well as other sources in the centuries before and after the second temple period including Christian references about the Sabbath in the period immediately after the Second Temple period. Topics could include differing definitions of the Sabbath, comparative patterns of Sabbath observance, and differing views of the Sabbath in the life of the observer. Papers on other related topics are welcome. 2) The Sabbath and God-- The Sabbath is often seen as a human institution, yet the Bible describes God as its originator and the center of worship upon it. This session welcomes papers that relate God and the Sabbath in a variety of ways, including God as the originator of the Sabbath; God’s rest as a prototype of human rest; God as the object of Sabbath worship; human response to God on the Sabbath; God and the law of the Sabbath; God and the holiness of the Sabbath; the God who enjoins the Sabbath; God as the one who models Sabbath observance; Sacrifice to God on the Sabbath; the Sabbath as a sign to God or as sign from God; what might be an affront to God on the Sabbath and what might be pleasing to God on the Sabbath; as well as other related topics.

Program Unit Chairs

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For all other persons wanting to propose a paper, you must communicate directly with the chair of the program unit to which you want to propose. Chairs have the responsibility to make waiver requests, and their email addresses are available above. SBL provides membership and meeting registration waivers only for scholars who are outside the disciplines covered by the SBL program, specifically most aspects of archaeological, biblical, religious, and theological studies.

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