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Meeting Program Units

2014 Annual Meeting

San Diego, CA

Meeting Begins11/22/2014
Meeting Ends11/25/2014

Call for Papers Opens: 12/20/2013
Call for Papers Closes: 3/4/2014

Requirements for Participation

African Biblical Hermeneutics

Program Unit Type: Section
Accepting Papers? Yes

Call For Papers: 1. "Sexuality, Masculinities, HIV and AIDS, and the Bible in Africa": Within various African contexts, the themes of sexuality and masculinities need to be critically engaged with by concerned African biblical scholars. What is the role of the Bible in all these concerns? Within such contexts, what contributions can scholars make towards ethically sound HIV and AIDS sensitive biblical hermeneutics? 2. "Methodology in African Biblical Interpretations and Related Methodologies in Africa": Realizing the need for methodologies that would be relevant within various African contexts, those which will enable scholars to teach Biblical Studies in a more efficient and relevant way, there is a need to develop African-conscious methodologies within the various contexts of Bible interpretation. 3. "Bible, Power and Wealth in Africa": "Prosperity Gospel" seems to have taken firm hold in many African settings today. It has made charismatic leaders rich and powerful while diluting the biblical notion of humility and service to others in stark contrast to Pope Francis' championing of concern for the poor and needy. Papers which reveal the link, if any, between the Bible, Power and Wealth in Africa, and the intersection between Faith, Bible and Material Wealth, are invited. 4. "African Biblical Response to Global Crises of War and Mass Violence": Certain parts of the African continent (e.g., Nigeria, Egypt, Somali, Great Lakes Region,etc) have been ravaged by war and violence for years. Some of the wars are also supported by violent ideologies embedded within various sacred texts, not excluding the Christian Bible (e.g. LRA of Uganda). In this section, we invite papers that will address a fitting African Biblical response to crises of war and mass violence. 5. Joint Session with the Disputed Paulines Section - We welcome proposals that apply some aspects of African Biblical Hermeneutics to 2 Thessalonians, Colossians, Ephesians, 1-2 Timothy, and/or Titus.

Program Unit Chairs

Andrew M. Mbuvi
Madipoane J. Masenya

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For all other persons wanting to propose a paper, you must communicate directly with the chair of the program unit to which you want to propose. Chairs have the responsibility to make waiver requests, and their email addresses are available above. SBL provides membership and meeting registration waivers only for scholars who are outside the disciplines covered by the SBL program, specifically most aspects of archaeological, biblical, religious, and theological studies.

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