Contextual Biblical Interpretation
Program Unit Type: Group
Accepting Papers? Yes
Call For Papers: Continuing to develop the book series TEXTS@CONTEXTS (Fortress Press; volumes on GENESIS and THE GOSPEL OF MARK, forthcoming, 2010), we seek papers on *contextual* biblical interpretations (readings of the Bible that take the present-day readers’ contexts into account in some way) in preparation for new volumes. Particularly (but not exclusively) we are interested in contextual readings of the following biblical books (focused on possible themes): EXODUS –DEUTERONOMY and LEVITICUS-NUMBERS (territory and identity, “law” and praxis, divine names, ritual and magic, taboos, gender and family), JOSHUA-JUDGES (conquest and liberation: whose side are you on?); the Gospels of JOHN (identity, honor and shame, hybridity, community); MATTHEW (land/landowners/laborers and empire, children/parents/family, disabilities/miracles, border-crossing, community) and 1 & 2 CORINTHIANS (unity, diversity, identity, cross, holiness, Lord’s Supper). These papers need to make explicit their "contextual" strategies (e.g. inculturation, inter[con]textualization, reading with others, liberation) and methodologies. For general format see Steering committee: Daniel Patte, Athalya Brenner, Archie Lee, Nicole Duran, Teresa Okure, James Grimshaw, Yung Suk Kim
Program Unit Chairs