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Site Help
The Society of Biblical Literature wants to make this site as easy as possible to use. Because most of our users use Internet Explorer 7 this site was designed for optimal use in IE 7 . We have made every effort to insure that it functions in other browsers and older versions of Internet Explorer.
Over the years, we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) about our site and the resources you find here.

For an overview on how the site is organized, see the sitemap

For a complete list of the topics on the SBL website, see the A-Z List

Technology Support Contact Information

If you experience difficulty using the SBL site beyond the scope of this page, please let us know by sending an email to
Why can't I login to the SBL site?
To login to the SBL site, you must be a current SBL member. If you are a current member and you're still having trouble logging in, you might not have cookies enabled on your computer. The SBL website uses a temporary cookie to identify you as you navigate through the site. Turning cookies off on your  browser will not allow the SBL site to recognize you when you attempt to login. Enabling cookies is a browser-specific task. To learn more about enabling cookies in your browser, click Help on your browser's menu, then find cookies in your browser's help system.

What is a PDF and why does the SBL publish certain documents in this format?
PDF is a common file format supported by most browsers. This format, unlike HTML documents, allows the SBL to publish highly-formatted documents and deliver them over the Web. The SBL uses the PDF format when we need to deliver information that must be displayed in a specific way, for example, the author guidelines that also display how an author must format his manuscript to submit it to the SBL for publication.

How do I get the Adobe Acrobat Reader so I can view PDF documents on the SBL site?
To download the Adobe Acrobat reader, click the graphic below. A new window will open with the Adobe site and will walk you through the process of downloading the reader.

When I print an article on the SBL Website, why does some of the text not print?
Unfortunately, the web is not meant to be a print medium. Thus, sometimes browsers render text differently on the printer than it does on the screen. If part of text of a page on the SBL website does not print, try printing in landscape mode. Setting your printer to landscape mode requires different steps depending on your operating system (Windows, Mac, or Linux) and your printer. Please consult your operating system and printer manual for specific steps for your computer.

Security Blocking
For security reasons, the Society of Biblical Literature blocks traffic originating from IP addresses or blocks of addresses associated with high-risk activity such as network hacking, virus distribution, spam and adware. 

SBL Fonts
SBL offers two types of fonts, our own SBL Fonts and the legacy SP Fonts.


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