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Professional Development Committee
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The Professional Development Committee is concerned with career issues throughout the life cycle of the Society’s members both within and beyond the classroom. The committee endeavors to:
  • Focus on all aspects of the career landscape and life cycle, including the ways in which our members’ identities and personal lives intersect with their careers
  • Develop resources for members in all institutional locations
  • Educate members regarding professional issues, especially when new concerns arise
  • Liaise with various member committees on projects that cross interests
  • Advocate with other organizations on behalf of the interests and needs of members

For excellent resources related to career/professional development, visit the Career Resources section of the SBL website. See also the resources provided by the Status on Women in the Profession Committee, the Student Advisory Board, and the Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Minorities in the Profession Committee.

Members of this committee serve a three-year term, renewable for a second term.
Committee Handbook

Members of the Committee



Years of Term

Richard (Bo) Adams (Chair) 2 2022–2024
Jason Coker 1 2024–2026
Michael Coogan 2 2023–2025
Bridgett Green 2 2024–2026
Shannell Smith 1 2022–2024
Eric Thomas
1 2023–2025
Jessica Tinklenberg
1 2023–2025

Christopher Hooker - Staff Liaison

The article, "Online Teaching and Biblical Studies," in Teaching Theology and Religion 21, no. 2 (2018): 120-137, by Richard Ascough, Eric D. Barreto, Bruce C. Birch, Ahida Calderón Pilarski, and Ruth Anne Reese, came out of an SBL session on online teaching co-hosted by the Professional Development Committee and the Wabash Center at the 2017 Annual Meeting.
These presentations come from a session at the 2015 Annual Meeting entitled "Why do I want to be a mentor, and how do I get good at it?” The presenters shared thoughts about their own experiences being mentored (or not), and how this impacted their approach to mentoring. The comments covered mentoring undergraduate students, graduate students, and younger colleagues in the field.


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