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History of Biblical Studies
The SBL Press series History of Biblical Studies (HBS) makes available in English translation seminal biblical-studies resources from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that have never before appeared in English in spite of their past and ongoing significance for biblical scholarship. Thus, the series has or will publish significant works by such leading biblical scholars as Julius Wellhausen, Albert Eichhorn, and Sigmund Mowinckel, to name just a few. In addition, the series will also consider the publication of monographs devoted to a history of biblical scholarship and may, in some circumstances, publish translations of more recent works important for the history of biblical studies.

To propose a volume for translation or to discuss the possibility of serving as a translator within the series, contact SBL Press staff.

The Rediscovery of Jewish Christianity: From Toland to Baur
F. Stanley Jones, ed., 2012, SBLHBS 5
Psalm Studies, volume 2
Sigmund Mowinckel; translated by Mark E. Biddle, 2014, SBLHBS 3
 Paperback  Hardcover
Psalm Studies, volume 1
Sigmund Mowinckel; translated by Mark E. Biddle, 2014, SBLHBS 2
 Paperback  Hardcover
The Lord’s Supper in the New Testament
by Albert Eichhorn with an introductory essay by Hugo Gressmann, “Albert Eichhorn and the History of Religion School” translated by Jeffrey F. Cayzer, 2007, SBLHBS 1


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