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The first completed volume of the project, Michael V. Fox’s edition of Proverbs (April 2015), is a magnificent work. More volumes will appear over the next decade. According to our plan, the electronic versions will follow each volume within a couple of years.

A new critical text for Proverbs drawing from many manuscripts

This first volume of The Hebrew Bible: A Critical Edition series features a critical text of Proverbs with extensive text-critical introductions and commentaries. This and future HBCE volumes bring together a scholar’s critical decisions into an eclectic text, drawing from many manuscripts or placing entirely variant texts side by side. A common approach for critical editions of other ancient books, including the New Testament, the eclectic approach and scope used in the HBCE is a first of its kind for the Hebrew Bible.


Michael V. Fox is Halls-Bascom Professor Emeritus in the Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Among his many works are Proverbs 1-9 and Proverbs 10-31 (both from Yale University Press), and The JPS Bible Commentary: Ecclesiastes (The Jewish Publication Society).

Download a sample of this new resource, which includes table of contents, introdution, and text with apparatus.

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