La Violencia and the Hebrew Bible: The Politics and Histories of Biblical Hermeneutics on the American Continent
Susanne Scholz and Pablo R. Andiñach, editors
La violencia refers to the brutal, repressive, and murderous policies of state-sponsored violence practiced in various Central and South American and Caribbean countries during the twentieth century, often supported and fostered by external powers such as the USA. This collection examines how the Bible in its varied and complex interpretation histories relates to violence and war within selected past and present contexts in America. The contributors come from the Caribbean and North, Central, and South America and include Cheryl B. Anderson, Pablo R. Andiñach, Nancy Bedford, Lee Cuéllar, Steed V. Davidson, Serge Frolov, Renata Furst, Julia M. O’Brien, Todd Penner, José Enrique Ramírez, Ivoni Richter Reimer, and Susanne Scholz.
Paper $34.95, ISBN 9781628371307
Hardcover $49.95, ISBN 9780884141327
Google Play, ISBN 9780884141310
254 pages • 2016 • Semeia Studies 82 |

Islands, Islanders, and the Bible: RumInations
Jione Havea, Margaret Aymer, and Steed Vernyl Davidson, editors
This collection of sixteen essays offers readings of biblical texts by islanders with roots in Asia, America, the Caribbean, Europe, and Oceania. Both individually and collectively, the essays take into account the fluidity and sandiness of island spaces, the richness of island-ness, and the sways and grooves of island-hood. The contributors write from/upon different routes, and together they guide the flow of island hermeneutics and island studies into the currents of biblical criticisms. Put islandly, this book gives a taste of how islands and islanders might ripple the sea of biblical interpretation. The contributors are Margaret Aymer, Randall C. Bailey, Roland Boer, Steed Vernyl Davidson, Jione Havea, Hisako Kinukawa, Grant Macaskill, Mosese Ma‘ilo, J. Richard Middleton, Althea Spencer Miller, Aliou C. Niang, Andrew Mein, Daniel Smith-Christopher, Nasili Vaka‘uta, and Elaine M. Wainwright.
Paper $34.95, ISBN 9781589839465
Hardcover $49.95, ISBN 9781589839472
Google Play, ISBN 9781589839489
250 pages • 2015 • Semeia Studies 77 |

Bible, Borders, Belonging(s): Engaging Readings from Oceania
Jione Havea, David J. Neville, and Elaine M. Wainwright, editors
This collection of essays by biblical scholars currently situated in Oceania engages regional concerns—for example, climate change, conquest, migration, displacement, resettlement, asylum, and discipleship—at the intersection of Bible, borders, and belonging(s). The contributors read, in their own ways, biblical texts on those concerns in relation to borders and belonging(s). The meanings of borders and belonging(s) are fluid and overflowing: the borders of a text, nation, community, or body may be in view; and belonging(s) encompasses possessions as well as belonging in a place (home, land), a group (tribe, camp), or a movement (disciples, cultures). Regional in roots (belonging), this volume flows far beyond the borders of Oceania. The contributors are Jeffrey W. Aernie, Mark G. Brett, Merilyn Clark, Michele A. Connolly, David M. Gunn, Jione Havea, Gregory C. Jenks, Jeanette Mathews, Judith E. McKinlay, Monica Jyotsna Melanchthon, David J. Neville, John Painter, Kathleen P. Rushton, Ruth Sheridan, Nasili Vaka‘uta, and Elaine M. Wainwright.
Paper $36.95, ISBN 9781589839557
Hardcover $51.95, ISBN 9781589839564
Kindle, ASIN B00Z7JA4UU
Google Play, ISBN 9781589839571
300 pages • 2014 • Semeia Studies 75 |

Latino/a Biblical Hermeneutics: Problematics, Objectives, Strategies
Francisco Lozada Jr. and Fernando F. Segovia, editors
This volume explores Latino/a biblical interpretation and how Latino/a identity functions in that process. It includes a discussion of what constitutes Latino/a biblical criticism and a brief history of the state of the field. Without privileging a single point of view, varied contributions open up distinctive understandings and significant questions surrounding Latino/a identity and biblical interpretation and give rise to new forms of Latino/a identification and approaches. In doing so, the volume provides a sharp map of the past, present, and future of Latino/a biblical interpretation and takes its place as a valuable resource for minority criticism in general. The contributors are Efrain Agosto, Hector Avalos, Eric D. Barreto, Alejandro F. Botta, Gregory Cuellar, Rubén R. Dupertuis, Cristina García-Alfonso, Jacqueline M. Hidalgo, Francisco Lozada Jr., Rubén Muñoz-Larrondo, Ahida Calderón Pilarski, David Arturo Sánchez, Timothy J. Sandoval, Fernando F. Segovia, Aida Besançon Spencer, and Osvaldo Vena.
Paper $46.95, ISBN 9781589836549
Hardcover $61.95, ISBN 9781589839274
Kindle, ASIN B00YT5R65Y
Google Play, ISBN 9781589836556
386 pages • 2014 • Semeia Studies 68 |