Kudos to Sandie Gravett
Gravett and her colleagues recieved a $50,000 grant from the Henry Luce Foundation for envisioning teaching and scholarship methods that explore the relationship of religion to topics at the center of public conversation and debate.
More Information
Regional Scholar Award
Congratulations to the 2021 Regional Scholar Award recipients, Jeremiah Coogan (Midwest Region) and Robin Thompson (Central States Region). Jeremiah was awarded for his presentation “Before Griesbach: Reimagining the History of the Synoptic Problem.” Robin was awarded for her presentation “Paul’s Declaration of Freedom from a Freed Slave’s Perspective.” More information.
Watch for Black History Month Tweets
In celebration of Black History Month, the Society will feature the voices of African American scholars in biblical, religious, and theological studies. There will be daily posts highlighting the scholarship of Black thinkers, promulgating resources for scholars of color, and emphasizing our initiative to promote diversity in biblical studies. We will also make the work of these brilliant scholars available via JSTOR Open Access. We encourage you to use these resources in your teaching and research. Follow us on Twitter @SBLsite and help us advance the field!
New Africana Scholarship Resources To support the advancement of minoritized scholarship as well as minoritized students interested in pursuing biblical studies, SBL is developing a collection of resources on Africana Scholarship. These resources are linked under the Education drop-down on the SBL site. There you can find the archived videos of the two sessions from the Black Scholars Matter Symposium as well as three new pages, which will be continually be updated: Resources for Students Interested in Pursuing a PhD in Biblical Studies, Bibliography for Africana Scholarship, Anti-racism, and Minoritized Biblical Interpretation, and Contacts for Black Church Studies Programs.
Save Ancient Studies in America
SASA regularly produces new, interesting video content for both lay, educational, and scholarly audiences. Visit SASA's YouTube Channel to watch episodes from series of SASA-produced videos, including "Ideas for Ancient Studies," "Ancient Kitchen," "Ancient FanFiction," and recordings of thier past live events.
Click here to watch.
Call for Papers
Theological Librarianship, an online, open access journal of Atla, invites submissions of original essays from graduate students. The winning essay will be published in the Fall 2021 issue. Essays should address topics that lie within the intersection of librarianship and religious and theological studies and that potentially impact libraries. More Information
In Memoriam
Norman Golb (1928-2020)
Richard D. Weis (1949-2021)
John "Jack" Elliot (1935-2020)
Edgar McKnight (1931-2020)
Support SBL
Amazon Purchases: Thank you to all our Amazon Smile supporters! If you haven’t signed up, just go to https://smile.amazon.com/ and choose Society of Biblical Literature as your charity of choice. Then make all of your future Amazon purchases via amazonsmile.com and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to us. It costs you nothing extra. This is a great time of year to sign up, since all our small purchases add up!
You can also support SBL by accessing Amazon from this link.
SBL Calendar
See Events on the SBL Calendar
SBL on Twitter
@BibleOdyssey shares content related to Bible Odyssey and biblical studies in general.
Want to continue conversations from the Annual and International Meeting? We recommend the hashtag #SBLsite on Twitter.
@SBLPress will be posting new publications, e-book releases, and special sales.
2021 International Meeting Call for Papers
The call for papers for the 2021 International Meeting in Canterbury, England will close at 11:59:59 pm EST on 27 January. More Information.
Annual Meeting Call for Papers
The call for papers for the 2021 Annual Meeting call for papers is now open. The deadline for submission is 24 March 2021.
International Travel Awards
International Travel Awards
The 2021 International Travel Award application is open through 15 February. Submit your application today.
New from SBL Press
Crainte de Dieu, Sagesse et Loi: Aspects théologiques à partir de Si 10,19-11,6
Katharina Lentz
Few specific studies have been devoted to Ben Sira 10:19–11:6. Lentz examines the text in Hebrew, Greek, Syriac, and Latin, trying to identify the major differences between these versions and their respective fundamental orientations. In this pericope she reveals three important themes: the fear of God, wisdom, and the law. Taking as a point of departure the theme of the fear of God in Deuteronomy, Psalms, and Proverbs, Job, and Qoheleth, in addition to Ben Sira, Lentz examines the relationship of this theme with wisdom and the law. The close relationship between the fear of God, wisdom, and the law should lead scholars to ask if these do not represent three aspects of the same reality.
Interpreting the Gospel of John in Antioch and Alexandria
Miriam DeCock
Miriam DeCock analyzes four important early Christian treatments of the Gospel of John, including two commentaries by Origen and Cyril from the Alexandrian tradition as well as the homilies of John Chrysostom and the commentary of Theodore of Mopsuestia, which represent the Antiochian tradition. DeCock’s thorough analysis demonstrates that the Antiochenes find primarily moral examples and doctrinal teachings in John’s Gospel, whereas the Alexandrians find both these and teachings concerning the immediate situation within their own communities.
The Identity of Israel’s God in Christian Scripture
Don Collett, Mark Elliott, Mark Gignilliat, and Ephraim Radner, editors
In this volume dedicated to the life and work of Christopher R. Seitz, biblical scholars and theologians approach the question of who Israel’s God is for Christians. Each essay reflects upon the implications of biblical theology and theological exegesis for interpretation of the Old and a New Testament bound together in a single scriptural legacy.
New from Bible Odyssey
Abortion and Miscarriage in the Ancient Near East
Interpretations of Jonah
Enuma Elish and the Bible
The Bible in Black Gospel Music
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