Beverly Gaventa has been awarded the 2020 Burkitt Medal for Biblical Studies for her long and distinguished contribution to New Testament scholarship, to the discipline and Academy through a range of positions of responsibility, and for her mentoring of younger scholars. Beverly Gaventa, Distinguished Professor of New Testament Interpretation in the department of religion at Baylor University, was the 2016 President of SBL. You can read her Presidential Address here.
2020 De Gruyter Award Recipients
The 2020 De Gruyter Award recipients are Carson Bay and Chloe Church. Carson Bay was awarded in the category of Textual Culture and Reception of the Bible for his paper entitled “Exemplarity, Exegesis, & Ethnography: Abraham in Pseudo-Hegesippus as a Test Case for Biblical Reception in Christian Late Antiquity.” Chloe Church was awarded in the category of Material and Visual Culture and Reception of the Bible for her paper entitled “Receiving the Word in Image: Federico Zuccaro’s The Annunciation Broadcast By Prophets (1565) and the Reception History of the Bible in the Counter-Reformation.”
Save Ancient Studies
SBL supports the mission and work of Save Ancient Studies in America (SASA). Have a look at SASA’s first newsletter Oracle and sign up for updates.
Support SBL
Amazon Purchases: Thank you to all our Amazon Smile supporters! If you haven’t signed up, just go to https://smile.amazon.com/ and choose Society of Biblical Literature as your charity of choice. Then make all of your future Amazon purchases via amazonsmile.com and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to us. It costs you nothing extra. This is a great time of year to sign up, since all our small purchases add up!
You can also support SBL by accessing Amazon from this link.
SBL Calendar
See Events on the SBL Calendar
SBL on Twitter
@BibleOdyssey shares content related to Bible Odyssey and biblical studies in general.
Want to continue conversations from the Annual and International Meeting? We recommend the hashtag #SBLsite on Twitter.
@SBLPress will be posting new publications, e-book releases, and special sales.

For the first time ever, the 2020 Annual Meetings, hosted by SBL & AAR, will be coming to you!
As you may have heard, the in-person physical meeting scheduled to take place in Boston has been cancelled and the new 2020 Virtual Annual Meetings will be going online November 29-December 10. We are excited about the new opportunity for SBL and its members.
The fee for the conference is listed here. If you had already registered for the meeting, your registration has been transferred to the 2020 Virtual Annual Meetings and there is nothing you need to do. If you have not yet registered and would like to do so, please go here.
As we make this shift to a virtual meeting, there will be many questions to answer and details to fill in. We have developed an FAQ with answers to some of those questions, and we will continue to update it as those details become available. Be sure to monitor your email for updates from the Annual Meetings Team. For more detailed questions, please use the contact information below.
Program questions, contact – programs@sbl-site.org
Registration and logistics, contact - annualmeeting@sbl-site.org
Membership, contact – sblservices@sbl-site.org
Exhibitors, contact – adex@annual-meetings.org
#BlackScholarsMatter Symposium Registration is still open for the #BlackScholarsMatter Symposium’s August 13 panel. Please visit the symposium webpage for more details. Anyone unable to attend the live session will be able to view the video, which will be available on this page shortly after the symposium. Registration is not required to view the videos after the live symposium
Application for New International Meeting Program Units
The International Meeting Program Committee (IMPC) invites you to submit ideas for new program units by September 1. The IMPC reviews program unit proposals and renewals and evaluates the distribution of topics and sessions among program units. Proposals will be reviewed by the IMPC within the month. More information can be found here, including the criteria for review of proposals and the application form.
2020-21 ACLS Fellowship and Grant Competitions
Competitions with fall deadlines are now open and accepting applications.
Remote Access to SBL Press Titles
Many SBL Press e-books are available for faculty and student use through your institutional library. Check your online catalog or contact your librarian to inquire about access to e-books through EBSCO, JSTOR, and ProQuest. SBL Press titles are available for individual purchase from Google Play and Amazon, and volumes of the Ancient Near East Monographs and International Voices in Biblical Studies series are free to download from our website.
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Roman Emperors and Imperial Families
Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
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