Bible Odyssey
Bible Odyssey Stats
In the past 28 days, the most popular pages (other than the home page) are:
1. Ask a Scholar, New Testament
2. Cargill/Biblical Marriage? (video)
3. Meyers/Does the Bible Relate to History?
4. Brueggemann/Psalms in Israel's Worship
5. Shoemaker/Mary
We have received visitors from all over the globe. In the past 28 days, the countries with the most site visits include:
1. USA
2. Malaysia
3. Australia
4. Canada
5. United Kingdom
6. New Zealand
7. Ireland
8. Israel
9. Germany
10. Brazil
Visitors from the US far outpace those from other countries, but it is interesting to see where the word spreads.
Average time spent on the site per visit in past month is 7 minutes, which is stellar.
The other interesting fact to note is that Facebook directs a lot of traffic to the site. External links in general are a big please link to us where you can!
--Bible Odyssey Team
SBL Membership and Subscriptions
Login with your member number !*SBLID*! and check to see when your membership and subscriptions are due to expire.
Remember that as a member of SBL you always have access to the Journal of Biblical Literature and the Review of Biblical Literature. You only need to subscribe if you want the paper editions to be sent to you.
If you wish to receive the third issue of the Journal of Biblical Literature you need to subscribe right away! The deadline is August 15, 2014. If you want to receive the annual Review of Biblical Literature you need to subscribe by November 1, 2014.
Now is a great time to update your member profile. Remember that if you fill out the member profile you are automatically entered in a drawing to win one of two i-Pads. The drawing will take place on January 2, 2015 so fill out or update your member profile now.
SBL Calendar
Events for Biblical and Religious Studies
Annual Meeting DeadlineTomorrow
The last chance for advance registration rates for the SBL Annual Meeting is Thursday, August 14! If you haven’t registered for the SBL Annual Meeting 2014 yet, the advance registration rates are in effect through the end of the day (11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time) Thursday, August 14. After this day they will increase an additional $50 so please make sure to register now. You may also make a hotel reservation at one of our available conference hotels when you register.
More than 1,000 academic sessions, additional meetings, receptions, workshops, and tours will be offered at the Annual Meetings 2014. Activities, events, receptions, and sessions will be held at the San Diego Convention center, as well as several surrounding hotels. The locations are within walking distance of one another.
Register Now and make plans to enjoy time with your colleagues in a great city.
International Cooperation Initiative (ICI)
The ICI Forum meeting in Vienna was informative and well attended. Several new ideas are being explored based on the conversation at the meeting. Make plans to attend the ICI Forum in San Diego and bring your ideas on ICI programs for discussion. This meeting is open to anyone from an ICI country and others who are interested in the work of ICI.
S22-146 International Cooperation Initiative Forum 11/22/2014 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Room: 310 B (Level 3 (Aqua)) - Hilton Bayfront (HB)

Members in ICI countries who are interested in hosting a group to participate in an Annual Meeting session via the Internet should contact Leigh Andersen no later than August 28.
More info on the ICI Programs
New Books from SBL Press
The Bible in the Public Square: Its Enduring Influence in American Life
Mark A. Chancey, Carol Meyers, and Eric M. Meyers, editors
Essays from the perspectives of American history, the history of ideas, film studies, visual studies, cultural studies, education, and church-state studies provide essential research for those interested in the intersection of the Bible and American culture. Professors of biblical studies, Judaism, English, and history analyze the tensions in American society regarding the Bible and its role in public life.
Paper $29.95, ISBN 9781589839816
Hardcover $44.95, ISBN 9781589839823
230 pages • Biblical Scholarship in North America 27
Mark, Mutuality, and Mental Health: Encounters with Jesus
Simon Mainwaring
Mainwaring explores the societal contexts of those who suffer poor mental health, and in particular the relational dynamics of how identity, agency, and dialogue are negotiated in personal encounters. This work seeks to serve as an experiment, such that interested readers might better understand the dynamics of relational power that pervade encounters with persons with poor mental health.
Paper $45.95, ISBN 9781589839847
Hardcover $60.95, ISBN 9781589839854
374 pages • Semeia Studies 79
Warfare, Ritual, and Symbol in Biblical and Modern Contexts
Brad E. Kelle, Frank Ritchel Ames, Jacob L. Wright (editors)
Contributors investigate what constituted a symbol in war, what rituals were performed and their purpose, how symbols and rituals functioned in and between wars and battles, what effects symbols and rituals had on insiders and outsiders, what ways symbols and rituals functioned as instruments of war, and what roles rituals and symbols played in the production and use of texts.
Paper $38.95, ISBN 9781589839588
Hardcover $53.95, ISBN 9781589839601
322 pages • Ancient Israel and Its Literature 18