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January 10, 2012 e-newsletter
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International Cooperation Initiative (ICI)
SBL is pleased to announce that Westminster John Knox Press has become a partner in the ICI Online Books program. WJK has provided two introductory texts that will be of great value to ICI participants:
Brueggemann, Walter and Tod Linafelt. An Introduction to the Old Testament: The Canon and Christian Imagination, Second Edition. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2012.
Gravett, Sandra L.; Karla G. Bohmbach; F. V. Greifenhagen and Donald C. Polaski. An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible: A Thematic Approach. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2008.
These books are now available in the Online Books depository at no cost to scholars and students in ICI countries. We extend thanks to WJK for providing these much needed resources.
More information on ICI Online Books Program
The Annual Meetings 2013 Call for Papers is now open. Submissions are due by March 1, 2013. For more information please visit the Annual Meetings page.
The Society has eleven regional groups that meet together locally throughout the spring and summer. Any SBL member may attend any of the regional meetings. For more information about regional meetings in your area, please visit the regional meetings page.
Travel Grants
The SBL Travel Grants offer opportunities to current SBL members to attend the Annual Meeting, participate in the program, enhance their professional development, and build their network with fellow scholars. These grants help facilitate the work of Program Units, the International Cooperation Initiative, Status of Women in the Profession Committee, Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Minorities in the Profession Committee, and other SBL Committees representing scholars in the field. These grants are intended to support underrepresented and underresourced scholars. As such, preference will be given to women, ethnic/racial minorities, and members from ICI-qualifying countries. For more information please visit the Annual Meetings page.
Society Fund
Thank you for your contributions in 2012. Your gifts of time and money directly support SBL's mission to advance the academic study of biblical texts; develop resources for diverse audiences; facilitate broad and open discussions, and promote cooperation across global boundaries. We look forward to working you and wish you much success in 2013!
Support SBL
See full job listings
SBL Syllabi Project
Many SBL members teach the Bible, in public universities, seminaries, colleges, and private schools. They have contributed their syllabi to this collection so all teachers can find a place to get ideas for revising their existing syllabi or creating new ones.
Please submit your syllabi in PDF, Word format or as a web link, whatever is most convenient to you, but we would ask that beforehand you check with your institutions that they would not find such a move on your part objectionable. We would further ask that you give us the following supporting information: the type of institution in which you work (liberal arts college, university [private or public], seminary, church foundation [with denomination], etc.; the sequence of years this course has run (or is planned for); the year/level of the students; the typical number of students; any other characteristics of your course that you would like to mention; your citation preference. See full syllabi listings
Membership and Subscriptions
Address Change
We have dropped the use of our post office box. Please send all mailings for SBL directly to Society of Biblical Literature, The Luce Center, 825 Houston Mill Road, Atlanta, GA 30329 . Please be sure to use the most recent membership and subscription form. It can be found here:
Optional Profile Winners
Every month, we randomly select two members from the pool of those who have filled out the Optional Profile for a free one-year membership. The December 2012 winners are:
John Bayless
Laura M. Ice
As our privacy policy indicates, we will never divulge information from your profile to a third party. Thank you to all of you who have supplied this optional data. If you have not yet filled in the information (or you would like to update it), you may do so by logging into our website with your SBL Member number and going to the "my profile" tab, which will appear on the left hand side of the screen in the box where you logged in. While you are filling out the Optional Profile, please make sure all of your profile information is up to date!
The Journal of Biblical Literature is the flagship journal of the field. It is published quarterly and includes scholarly articles and critical notes by members of the Society. Essential reading for over a century, it is now available online and in print.
In order to receive the printed issue 132:1 of the Journal of Biblical Literature your subscription and payment must be received no later than February 15, 2013. The subscription form can be found at: You may fax or email your form to the office. Our Fax number is 404-727-2419 or you may email the form to If you prefer, you may renew your subscription online, by logging into the website at and following the directions. You may also of course mail your subscription form to us at 825 Houston Mill Road, Atlanta, GA 30329.
The Review of Biblical Literature (RBL), founded by the Society of Biblical Literature, presents reviews of books in biblical studies and related fields. Appearing in digital form and in print, RBL is comprehensive, international, and timely.
- Comprehensive: RBL includes reviews of various topical studies, multi-author volumes, reference works, commentaries, dictionaries, bible translations, software, and other resources for the classroom and research. Multiple and contrasting reviews are often presented. The material reviewed and our reviewers come from varied academic, social, and religious perspectives.
- International: RBL provides a forum for international scholarly exchange and cutting edge innovations with reviews of German, French, Italian, and English books as well as reviews in those languages. Our editorial board includes members from across the globe.
- Timely: RBL produces reviews of the most recent titles in biblical studies.
- Authoritative: RBL reviews are written by the most qualified scholars available, whether a member of the SBL or the broader scholarly guild, and are vetted to ensure their quality by a highly regarded editorial board.
In order to receive the printed annual of the Review of Biblical Literature for 2013 your subscription and payment needs to be received by October 15, 2013. The subscription form can be found at:
You can print the form, fill it out and mail it with your payment or payment information to 825 Houston Mill Road, Atlanta, GA 30329. Or, you can fax it to 404-727-2419. If you prefer you can renew your subscription online by logging into the website at and following the directions.
Special subscription rates to JBL and RBL are available to institutions in ICI countries.
Download the ICI order form here.
Click here for full calender
January 2013 |
1/17-1/18 |
Call for Papers: Christology: Ancient and Modern, Explorations in Constructive Theology
Los Angeles Theology Conference, Biola University, La Mirada, CA. Christology was the central doctrine articulated by the early councils, and it remains the subject of vigorous theological investigation today. This first annual Los Angeles Theology Conference seeks to make a positive contribution to contemporary dogmatics in intentional engagement with the Christian traditions.
A panel of accomplished plenary speakers will survey the field and seek to articulate the sources, norms, and criteria for constructive theological work. Those with completed doctorate degrees in the fields of systematic theology are also invited to submit paper proposals on this year’s theme.
More Information
1/31 |
Call for Papers Deadline: Pilgrimage, Travel, and Cult
Hekhal: the Irish Society for the Study of the Ancient Near East will be held 24 - 26 May 2013 in Dublin, Ireland
When an ancient community's life involved a focus upon a specific holy place, that group’s ideas about pilgrimage and travel were necessarily pivotal to its religious praxis. To understand
the complex interrelations between a community's ideology of pilgrimage and travel and its religious activities, relevant examples must be critically examined in their geographical,
political, social, and religious contexts.
Submissions in any historiographic and/or archaeological field of research in all periods up to and including late antiquity, and on topics as diverse as diaspora Judaism, early
Christianity, Qumran, early Samaritan studies, and any adjacent and relevant area of research, will be welcomed.We invite abstracts of 500 words to reach us by email no later than 31 January 2013. The committee intends to publish the proceedings within a peer-reviewed and edited volume.Abstracts must be submitted by email in word format to Presentation of papers at this conference will be
40 minutes within a one-hour slot, allowing time for ample discussion after each paper.
More information
February 2013 |
2/1 |
Call for Papers Deadline
Annual Meeting of the European Association of
Biblical Studies
Leipzig, July 30 - August 2, 2013
More information |
2/8- 2/10 |
SBL Midwest Regional Meeting
Olivet Nazarene University, Bourbonnais, Illinois
More information |
March 2013 |
3/1 |
Call for Papers Deadline
International Symposium on Allegory to be held April 23-27 2014 at Villa Vigoni, Lake Cuomo, Italy
e-mail for more information
3/7- 3/8 |
Sex: Religious and Theological Perspectives
Princeton, New Jersey
The Koinonia Forum Graduate Student Conference, sponsored by Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton. New Jersey with a keynote address by Mary-Jane Rubenstein, Associate Professor of Religion and core faculty in the Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program at Wesleyan University.
More information |
3/8- 3/10 |
SBL Southwestern Regional Meeting
Marriott DFW, North Dallas, Texas
More information |
3/13- 3/15 |
SBL Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting
Sheraton Baltimore City, Baltimore, Maryland
More information |
3/15- 3/17 |
Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion (SECSOR)
Regional meeting will be held at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina
More information |
3/15- 3/18 |
Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society
Portland, Oregon, Portland Hilton & Executive Tower
More information |
3/17- 3/18 |
SBL Central States Regional Meeting
St. Louis Marriott, St. Louis, Missouri
More information |
3/21-3/23 |
Colloquy on Eucharist and Ecclesiology
Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Texas.
In contemporary Christian theology in an ecumenical age, the retrieval of ancient practices in a new era is an important move. Eucharistic theology and ecclesiology converge in significant ways in our time, and this convergence requires the interdisciplinary work of scholars of the Bible, early Christianity, and liturgics.
This colloquy will feature three presentations on the intersection of eucharist and ecclesiology by scholars from the Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Greek Orthodox traditions. They are:
Dr. Gary D. Badcock (Huron University), Fr. Dennis Farkasfalvy, O. Cist. (Cistercian Abbey, University of Dallas), and Dr. Paul Meyendorff (St. Vladamir’s Orthodox Seminary in Washington, D. C.).
In addition there will be three working groups on topics related to this conference theme. Paper proposals are invited, and the submission deadline is January 15, 2013. For additional information see the website at or contact the organizers by email.
3/23- 3/25 |
SBL Pacific Coast Regional Meeting
Regional meeting will be held at Hope International University in Fullerton, California
More information |
April 2013 |
4/4- 4/5 |
SBL Eastern Great Lakes Regional Meeting
Clarion Hotel Lake Erie, Erie, Pennsylvania
More information |
4/5- 4/6 |
SBL Rocky Mountains- Great Plains Regional Meeting
Denver Seminary, Denver, Colorado
More information |
4/5- 4/6 |
SBL Upper Midwest Regional Meeting
Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota
More information |
May 2013 |
5/3 |
SBL New England Regional Meeting
Regional meeting location will be announced soon.
More information |
5/3- 5/5 |
SBL Pacific Northwest Regional Meeting
Seattle University, Seattle, Washington
More information |
5/30- 6/2 |
St. Ambrose Conference on Bible and Justice
St. Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa will bring together scholars, clergy, and students from around the world to explore how the ancient texts of the Bible might address a variety of modern justice concerns, with a focus on gender, empire, poverty, and the environment. Along with our keynote speakers, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Richard Horsley, Elsa Tamez, and David Horrell, this conference will work to consider the relevance of the Bible to modern justice issues, while promoting bridges between biblical studies and various endeavors for a just world. A call for abstracts is now open for both professional and undergraduate sessions. For more information, please visit the conference website at: |
June 2013 |
July 2013 |
7/4- 7/6 |
Peter in Earliest Christianity
conference sponsored by the Centre for the Study of Christian Origins,
University of Edinburgh (immediately before the SBL International
Meeting in St. Andrews). Speakers include: Timothy Barnes, Markus
Bockmuehl, Sean Freyne, Larry Hurtado, Peter Lampe, Tobias Nicklas, and
Margaret Williams. Topics include: the historical Peter, Peter in Galilean
and Roman archaeology, and Peter in the first three Christian
centuries. Offers of short papers (20 minutes) may be submitted to Dr.
Helen Bond before March 15, 2013. Registration opens October 1, 2012. Registration
fee, which covers conference fee, coffee breaks, and Friday lunch, is £40 before April 15, 2013,
and £50 after April 15, 2013 (and £35 for students any time). There
will also be a conference dinner Friday evening, for which the fee is £25
payable at registration.
More information |
7/7- 7/11 |
SBL International Meeting
Held in St. Andrews, Scotland
More information |
7/15- 7/17 |
Christian Contribution to the Arab Renaissance during the Second Millennium
The ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies is organizing its Thirty Seventh International Conference on Christian Contribution to the Arab Renaissance during the Second Millennium, to be held at the Oriental Institute, the University of Oxford, 15-17 July 2013.The conference will start on Monday 15th July at 9am, finishing on Wednesday 17th July at 6pm. Each speaker’s paper is limited to 35 minutes, with an additional 10 minutes for discussion.
All papers given at the conference will be considered for publication in a future edition of the ARAM Periodical, subject to editorial review.
If you wish to participate in the conference, please contact the Aram Society, the Oriental Institute, Oxford University, Pusey Lane, Oxford OX1 2LE, England. Tel. 01865-514041 Fax. 01865-516824.
Email for more information. |
7/29–7/31 |
The Decapolis: History and Archaeology
ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies is organizing its Thirty Fiftth International Conference on the theme of The Decapolis: History and Archaeology, to be held at Oxford University. The conference aims to study the movement of nomads and their settlements in the Syrian Orient; and it will pay a special attention to the migration of Arab nomads from the Arabian Peninsula to the Fertile Crescent in the pre-Islamic period.
The conference will start on Monday July 29th at 9am, finishing on Thursday, July 31st at 6pm. Each speaker’s paper is limited to 30 minutes, with an additional 10 minutes for discussion. All papers given at the conference will be considered for publication in a future edition of the ARAM Periodical, subject to editorial review. If you wish to participate in the conference, please contact our Oxford address: ARAM, the Oriental Institute, Oxford University, Pusey Lane, Oxford OX1 2LE, England. Tel. 01865-514041 Fax. 01865-516824. Email ARAM
7/30-8/2 |
EABS Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting of the European Association of Biblical Studies
Hosted by The University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
More information |
August 2013 |
8/4–8/9 |
International Organization
for the Study of the Old Testament (IOSOT)
The 21st Congress of the International Organization for the Study
of the Old Testament (IOSOT) will take place at the University of Munich,
Germany. As usual it will be joint with the Congresses of the International
Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (IOSCS, 1.-3. of August), of
the International Organization for Qumran Studies (IOQS), the International
Organziation for Masoretic Studies (IOMS), the International Organization for
Targum Studies (IOTS) and the International Syriac Language Project (ISLP).
More Information |
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