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September25, 2012 e-newsletter
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Annual Call for Nominations to SBL Leadership Positions
SBL Members are encouraged and invited to submit nominations to fill open positions on SBL committees and boards. Please follow this link for instructions.
See the committee page for volunteer opportunities.
JBL 131.3 is now available
The Journal of Biblical Literature issue 131.3 has been posted and includes the following articles. (Remember to log-in before linking to the journal.)
Judah Comes to Shiloh: Genesis 49:10ba, One More Time
Serge Frolov, 417422
The Four Moses Death Accounts
Philip Y. Yoo, 423441
Not Just Any King: Abimelech, the Northern Monarchy, and the Final Form of Judges
Brian P. Irwin, 443454
The Heart of Yhwh's Chosen One in 1 Samuel
Benjamin J. M. Johnson, 455466
Secrets and Lies: Secrecy Notices (Esther 2:10, 20) and Diasporic Identity in the Book of Esther
Martien A. Halvorson-Taylor, 467485
Psalms Dwelling Together in Unity: The Placement of Psalms 133 and 134 in Two Different Psalms Collections
Ryan M. Armstrong, 487506
Archer Imagery in Zechariah 9:1117 in Light of Achaemenid Iconography
Ryan P. Bonfiglio, 507527
Eyewitnesses as Guarantors of the Accuracy of the Gospel Traditions in the Light of Psychological Research
Robert K. McIver, 529546
Voluntary Debt Remission and the Parable of the Unjust Steward (Luke 16:113)
John K. Goodrich 547566
Paul's Areopagus Speech of Acts 17:1634 as Both Critique and Propaganda
Joshua W. Jipp, 567588
"Be Ye Approved Money Changers!" Reexamining the Social Contexts of the Saying and Its Interpretation
Curtis Hutt, 589609
Alternate Career Paths Survey
The call for more and better data on academic jobs in the humanities and social sciences continues to ring. SBL has added its voice to the call by, for example, participating with the Coalition on the Academic Workforce’s survey efforts and encouraging its members to participate in the Modern Language Association’s (MLA) Academic Workforce Data Center. There is also urgent need for data on non-academic job opportunities or alternative academic career paths, as a recent article in the Chronicle for Higher Education acknowledges (In Search of Hard Data on Nonacademic Careers). Noted in the article were the efforts of the Scholarly Communication Institute, which has “launched a survey for people on alternative academic career paths—and their employers—to illuminate perceived gaps in career training.” We encourage you to check out the survey, to participate, and to get involved with the Institute’s efforts. It is our hope that the survey will gather enough responses to permit developing a rich dataset.
Committees of the Society and many interested members continue to work toward addressing the prevailing challenges and seizing the available opportunities of the job market. The Society, with the American Academy of Religion, operates an Employment Center at its Annual Meetings. Whether traditional or alternative, academic or non-academic, the 700 job seekers that utilize the Employment Center have developed skills, knowledge, and understanding that are critical to today’s job market through the academic study of biblical texts and their contexts as well as of the traditions and contexts of biblical interpretation. Developing data to show these facts is important. We hope you will check out the SCI’s survey and stay tuned to the Society’s efforts to develop data on the job market.
International Cooperation Initiative (ICI)
Feder, Yitzhaq. Blood Expiation in Hittite and Biblical Ritual: Origins, Context, and Meaning. Writings from the Ancient World Supplement Series, 2. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011.
Henze, Matthias. Hazon Gabriel: New Reading of the Gabriel Revelation. Early Judiaism and Its Literature, 29. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011.
Liew,Tat-siong Benny, ed. Postcolonial Interventions: Essays in Hon or of R. S. Sugirtharajah. Bible in the Modern World, 23. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2009.
Turner, Laurence A. Genesis, Second Edition. Readings: A New Biblical Commentary. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2009.
Learn more about the ICI Book listings here.
See full job listings
The Employment Center, sponsored by SBL and the American Academy of Religion, provides the opportunity for employers and those seeking employment to register for interviews at the Annual Meetings, as well as interview facilities, job listings, candidate credentials, and a messaging service. The point is for both candidates and employers to reduce costs of travel and time by facilitating the engagement of both parties in multiple interviews in a neutral environment. As the Annual Meetings are the major congressional venue for reporting current research, meeting colleagues, and making new connections, they also offers candidates the opportunity to obtain professional developmentby engaging scholars, hearing lectures, giving papers, and participating in sessions.
Learn more about the Employment Center, job listings, and employer and candidate registration for the Annual Meetings here.
Click here for full calender
October 2012 |
10/12-10/14 |
Traveling Traditions: Pilgrimage across Time and Cultures
The Institute of Pilgrimage Studies in conjunction with the International Consortium for Pilgrimage Studies is hosting their first annual Symposium to be held at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia.
More information
November 2012 |
11/17- 11/20 |
SBL Annual Meeting
Chicago, Illinois
December 2012 |
12/12-12/14 |
The Panoply of Judaisms in the 1st-3rd Centuries (Christians, Rabbis and Synagogues)
This international meeting will happen at the Institute of the Biblical Sciences (University of Lausanne, CH) and is co-organized by Claire Clivaz, Simon Mimouni and Bernard Pouderon.
Speakers will be: Marie-Françoise Baslez, Ra’anan Boustan, Bogdan Bucur, Claire Clivaz, José Costa, Jörg Frey, Emmanuel Friedheim, David Hamidovic, Hervé Inglebert, Daniel Marguerat, Simon Mimouni, Ron Naiweld, Etienne Nodet, Bernard Pouderon, Annette Yoshiko Reed, Benjamin Bertho, Simon Butticaz, Charlotte Touati.
The profound change that research is currently undergoing demands a shift in thinking about all forms of Judaism, not just the rabbinic or Christian movements but also synagogue Judaism. For several centuries, both the Christians and the Rabbis ‘attempted’ to achieve a Utopian unity, as improbable as it is impossible, by defining their boundaries in terms of notions such as heresy and canon. In so doing, they each diminished the influence of synagogue Judaism and in places smoothed it over to the point of apparently effacing it forever. It is in the light of these changes in perspective that the organisers of this colloquium would like to reconsider all the forms of Judaism after 70CE , with the aim of taking stock of the increasingly numerous shifts occurring in this area of high-level research.
See Program, information and inscription here. |
12/20-12/21 |
The Society for Biblical Studies in India (SBSI) will hold its biennial conference in Bangalore, Whitefield at the Ecumenical Christian Center. The Theme for this conference is: Biblical Jubilee: Indian Liberation Hermeneutics.
For more information contact Rev. Dr. K. Jesurathnam, Secretary, SBSI.
January 2013 |
1/3-1/6 |
Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting (LSA)
Boston Marriott Copley Place in Boston, Massachusetts
More information
1/3-1/6 |
Archaeological Institute of America and the American Philological Association
114th AIA and APA Joint Annual Meeting will be held in Seattle, Washington
AIA information
APA information |
February 2013 |
March 2013 |
3/15- 3/17 |
Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion (SECSOR)
Regional meeting will be held at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina
More information |
3/15- 3/18 |
Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society
Portland, Oregon, Portland Hilton & Executive Tower
More information |
3/23- 3/25 |
SBL Pacific Coast Regional Meeting
Regional meeting will be held at Hope International University in Fullerton, California
More information |
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