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October 16, 2012 e-newsletter
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Annual Meeting
Register now and save money on your conference fee. We are looking forward to seeing SBL members at the Annual Meeting in Chicago!
Hotel reservations
If you have yet to make hotel reservations in Chicago, we have added three new hotels to keep pace with the demand for rooms at conference rates. You will be able to reserve a room when you register online. If you have already registered and would like to add a room, you may contact us at We currently have rooms available at the following hotels with rates ranging from $149 to $165 per night for single occupancy. (If you share a room, you can split the cost with your colleagues and make it more even more affordable.)
Amalfi Hotel, 20 West Kinzie St.
Hard Rock Hotel, 230 N. Michigan Ave.
Hotel 71, 71 East Wacker Dr.
Hotel Sax Chicago, 333 N. Dearborn St.
Hyatt Regency McCormick Place, 2233 S. Martin Luther King Dr.
Renaissance Chicago Hotel, 1 West Wacker Dr.
W Chicago City Center, 172 W. Adams St.
In the midst of your Annual Meeting schedule, be sure to carve out some time for one of these stimulating workshops. For those of you who want practical advice on impactful instruction, check out Designing Courses for Significant Learning. If you seek insight into the current job market in biblical and religious studies, sign up for Understanding and Managing the Hiring Process. If you want some help with the essentials of academic publishing, book contracts, copyright law, and the characteristics of scholarly writing, The Academic's Guide to Publishing is for you. And if using performance as a means to assist students with the engagement of biblical texts interests you, then make time for Using Performance to Teach the Bible. Each of these workshops is on Friday, November 16—a day before sessions start in full—so it's the perfect time to focus on a little professional development while you have the energy. For more information and to download the workshop form, click here.
Get out and learn about the rich history of Chicago with one of seven tours offered this year. See the city's landmarks on the Chicago City and Architectural Tour or enjoy smaller communities with the Passport to Chicago's Neighborhoods and Lunch. For those who want to have some fun, the Gangster Untouchable Tour takes you back to Chicago in the 1920s and 1930s for an evening tour of hot spots and hit spots. Travel by bus to the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center to view the collection of artifacts, documents and photographs or visit the Baha'i House of Worship, one of seven Baha'i temples in the world. The Sacred and Religious Sites tour will explore several early immigrant groups' religious buildings in Chicago's Near West Side. The Swiss Treasures Exhibition at the University of Chicago Library highlights the contributions that Switzerland has made to Europe's cultural history from Biblical Papyrus and Parchment to Erasmus, Zwingli, Calvin and Barth. The tour includes bus transportation and a guided tour of the exhibit. To download the tour form and read tour descriptions, click here.
New Journal: Enoch Seminar Online
The Enoch Seminar, an academic association of specialists in the field of Second Temple Judaism and Christian origins since 2001, has developed its website into an online Journal, Enoch Seminar Online (ESO), where subscribers have complete access to all papers presented at the meetings of the Enoch Seminar. A new open access feature has now been added, an online book review service, Reviews of the Enoch Seminar (RES). The primary aim of RES is to publish timely book reviews of current scholarship on Jews and Christians in antiquity, with a particular interest in Jewish and Christian history, literature, and culture between the Babylonian Exile and the Bar-Kokhba revolt. The advantage of our digital, online format includes the capacity to streamline reviews quickly from composition to publication, providing timely access to reviews of some of the latest, cutting-edge research in the field. The comment feature has the added potential of transforming the typically static book review into a stimulant for ongoing intellectual conversation. We warmly invite you to browse our web page at the link above, peruse the current reviews posted, and to consider contributing to this exciting new intellectual venture. You may also find the initial batch of published e-reviews at the following links:
Rebecca Denova on J. Harold Ellens, The Son of Man in the Gospel of John
Isaac Oliver on Albert I. Baumgarten (et al.), eds., Halakhah in Light of Epigraphy
Jonathan Henry on Steven Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies in Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages
Jason von Ehrenkrook on Catherine Hezser, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Daily Life in Roman Palestine
Reviews Editor: Jason von Ehrenkrook, University of Pittsburgh
Reviews Associate Editor: Isaac W. Oliver, University of Michigan
Founding Director of Enoch Seminar Online: Gabriele Boccaccini, University of Michigan
Membership and Subscriptions
Address Change
We have dropped the use of our post office box. Please send all mailings for SBL directly to Society of Biblical Literature, The Luce Center, 825 Houston Mill Road, Atlanta, GA 30329 . Please be sure to use the most recent membership and subscription form.
Subscriptions The Journal of Biblical Literature is the flagship journal of the field. It is published quarterly and includes scholarly articles and critical notes by members of the Society. Essential reading for over a century, it is now available online and in print.
In order to receive the printed issue 131:4 of the Journal of Biblical Literature your subscription and payment must be received no later than November 15, 2012. The subscription form can be found here. You may fax or email your form to the office. Our Fax number is 404-727-2419 or you may email the form to If you prefer, you may renew your subscription online, by logging into the website and following the directions. You may also of course mail your subscription form to us at 825 Houston Mill Road, Atlanta, GA 30329.
Please see the letter to members from Adele Reinhartz, the General Editor of the Journal of Biblical Literature.
Special subscription rates to JBL and RBL are available to institutions in ICI countries.
Download the ICI order form here.
See full job listings
The Employment Center, sponsored by SBL and the American Academy of Religion, provides the opportunity for employers and those seeking employment to register for interviews at the Annual Meetings, as well as interview facilities, job listings, candidate credentials, and a messaging service. The point is for both candidates and employers to reduce costs of travel and time by facilitating the engagement of both parties in multiple interviews in a neutral environment. As the Annual Meetings are the major congressional venue for reporting current research, meeting colleagues, and making new connections, they also offers candidates the opportunity to obtain professional development—by engaging scholars, hearing lectures, giving papers, and participating in sessions.
Learn more about the Employment Center, job listings, and employer and candidate registration for the Annual Meetings here.
International Cooperation Initiative
Liaison Network
The ICI Liaison Network now has country representatives in all six regions covered by the initiative. Our goal is to eventually have a representative from each ICI country. See
the current list here. SBL members are encouraged to participate in the network by volunteering to serve as a liaison or by nominating a scholar in an ICI country to fill that role. For more information, please contact Tim Langille.
Click here for full calender
November 2012 |
11/17- 11/20 |
SBL Annual Meeting
Chicago, Illinois
December 2012 |
12/12-12/14 |
The Panoply of Judaisms in the 1st-3rd Centuries (Christians, Rabbis and Synagogues)
This international meeting will happen at the Institute of the Biblical Sciences (University of Lausanne, CH) and is co-organized by Claire Clivaz, Simon Mimouni and Bernard Pouderon.
Speakers will be: Marie-Françoise Baslez, Ra'anan Boustan, Bogdan Bucur, Claire Clivaz, José Costa, Jörg Frey, Emmanuel Friedheim, David Hamidovic, Hervé Inglebert, Daniel Marguerat, Simon Mimouni, Ron Naiweld, Etienne Nodet, Bernard Pouderon, Annette Yoshiko Reed, Benjamin Bertho, Simon Butticaz, Charlotte Touati.
The profound change that research is currently undergoing demands a shift in thinking about all forms of Judaism, not just the rabbinic or Christian movements but also synagogue Judaism. For several centuries, both the Christians and the Rabbis 'attempted' to achieve a Utopian unity, as improbable as it is impossible, by defining their boundaries in terms of notions such as heresy and canon. In so doing, they each diminished the influence of synagogue Judaism and in places smoothed it over to the point of apparently effacing it forever. It is in the light of these changes in perspective that the organisers of this colloquium would like to reconsider all the forms of Judaism after 70CE , with the aim of taking stock of the increasingly numerous shifts occurring in this area of high-level research.
See Program, information and inscription here. |
12/20-12/21 |
The Society for Biblical Studies in India (SBSI) will hold its biennial conference in Bangalore, Whitefield at the Ecumenical Christian Center. The Theme for this conference is: Biblical Jubilee: Indian Liberation Hermeneutics.
For more information contact Rev. Dr. K. Jesurathnam, Secretary, SBSI.
January 2013 |
1/3-1/6 |
Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting (LSA)
Boston Marriott Copley Place in Boston, Massachusetts
More information
1/3-1/6 |
Archaeological Institute of America and the American Philological Association
114th AIA and APA Joint Annual Meeting will be held in Seattle, Washington
AIA information
APA information |
1/17-1/18 |
Call for Papers: Christology: Ancient and Modern, Explorations in Constructive Theology
Los Angeles Theology Conference, Biola University, La Mirada, CA. Christology was the central doctrine articulated by the early councils, and it remains the subject of vigorous theological investigation today. This first annual Los Angeles Theology Conference seeks to make a positive contribution to contemporary dogmatics in intentional engagement with the Christian traditions.
A panel of accomplished plenary speakers will survey the field and seek to articulate the sources, norms, and criteria for constructive theological work. Those with completed doctorate degrees in the fields of systematic theology are also invited to submit paper proposals on this year's theme.
More Information
February 2013 |
2/8- 2/9 |
SBL Midwest Regional Meeting
Olivet Nazarene University, Bourbonnais, Illinois
More information |
March 2013 |
3/8- 3/10 |
SBL Southwestern Regional Meeting
Marriott DFW, North Dallas, Texas
More information |
3/13- 3/15 |
SBL Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting
Sheraton Baltimore City, Baltimore Maryland
More information |
3/15- 3/17 |
Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion (SECSOR)
Regional meeting will be held at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina
More information |
3/15- 3/18 |
Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society
Portland, Oregon, Portland Hilton & Executive Tower
More information |
3/17- 3/18 |
SBL Central States Regional Meeting
St. Louis Marriott, ST. Louis, Missouri
More information |
3/23- 3/25 |
SBL Pacific Coast Regional Meeting
Regional meeting will be held at Hope International University in Fullerton, California
More information |
April 2013 |
4/4- 4/5 |
SBL Eastern Great Lakes Regional Meeting
Clarion Hotel Lake Erie, Erie Pennsylvania
More information |
4/5- 4/6 |
SBL Rocky Mountains- Great Plains Regional Meeting
Denver Seminary, Denver, Colorado
More information |
4/5- 4/6 |
SBL Upper Midwest Regional Meeting
Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota
More information |
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