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November 6, 2012 e-newsletter
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Annual Meeting Book Sale
SBL Members are eligible for a 30% discount on books (SBL and Brown Judaic Studies titles only).
To receive the discount, return this form by mail or
fax, or use promo code FL2012 online at checkout, by December 15, 2012.
2012 SBL Annual Meeting 30% Discount Order Form
Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting
We are looking forward to seeing you in Chicago! Below are links to important information for Annual Meeting registrants:
- Shuttle bus routes – this will help you locate the closest bus stop to your hotel and show you both daytime and evening routes. All conference attendees may ride the shuttle bus to the conference center for the first time. If you do not have a shuttle bus symbol on your badge, you may purchase a pass if needed at the Shuttle Pass desk on the third floor of McCormick Place West.
Conference hotel contact numbers, for changes and cancellations, can be found on the Annual Meeting page of our website – at this time, please contact your hotel directly to make changes. SBL staff members are no longer able to make changes to your reservation. If you need your confirmation number, email us at and we will provide that for you.
- Mobile meeting app guide – instructions on how to use the conference mobile app
If you have received your Program Book and name badge in the mail, remember to bring those with you to the meeting—you may just pick up your name badge holder and tote bag and you'll be ready to attend sessions.
If you did not receive your Program Book or name badge, you may pick these up at the SBL registration desk on the third floor of McCormick Place West. Registration will be open on Friday, Nov. 16, from 10 AM to 7 PM and on Saturday through Monday from 8 AM to 6 PM.
Society Fund
The SBL Council and staff would like to express our sincere appreciation for your contributions to the Society of Biblical Literature. Your charitable gifts support students and scholars from all over the world with mentoring opportunities through the scholarly exchange program. Your gifts support the travel grants program giving scholars a greater opportunity to attend Annual Meetings. Your support helps strengthen our commitment to scholarship, collaboration, and communication. Thank you!
International Cooperation Initiative (ICI)
If you are interested in promoting international conversations in biblical scholarship, would like to be involved in mentoring a student in another country, or have ideas that would help expand and improve the programs of the ICI, please come to the open ICI Forum meeting in Chicago, Saturday November 17 at 2:00 in room MPW-473 in the McCormick Place Convention Center.
SBL is experimenting with using Skype technology at two Annual Meeting sessions.There will be two test sessions in Chicago: one with members in Poland and the other with members in China. The hope is that the successful use of this technology will expand the reach of the meeting in the future to those who cannot participate in person. Your financial support of SBL helps to make this and other ICI programs possible. Thank you!
Membership and Subscriptions
MEMBERSHIP: Optional Profile Winners: Every month, we randomly select two members from the pool of those who have filled out the Optional Profile for a free one-year membership. The November 2012 winners are:
Ed Condra
Hortensius Mandaru
As our privacy policy indicates, we will never divulge information from your profile to a third party. Thank you to all of you who have supplied this optional data. If you have not yet filled in the information (or you would like to update it), you may do so by logging into our website with your SBL Member number and going to the "my profile" tab, which will appear on the left hand side of the screen in the box where you logged in. While you are filling out the Optional Profile, please make sure all of your profile information is up to date!
SUBSCRIPTIONS: The Journal of Biblical Literature is the flagship journal of the field. It is published quarterly and includes scholarly articles and critical notes by members of the Society. Essential reading for over a century, it is now available online and in print.
In order to receive the printed issue 131:4 of the Journal of Biblical Literature your subscription and payment must be received no later than November 15, 2012. The subscription form can be found at: . You will need to fax or email your form to the office. Our Fax number is 44-727-2419 or you may email the form to . If you prefer, you may renew your subscription online, by logging into the website at and following the directions.
The deadline for Subscriptions for the first issue of 2013 132:1 is February 15, 2013.
The Review of Biblical Literature (RBL), founded by the Society of Biblical Literature, presents reviews of books in biblical studies and related fields. Appearing in digital form and in print, RBL is comprehensive, international, and timely.
- Comprehensive: RBL includes reviews of various topical studies, multi-author volumes, reference works, commentaries, dictionaries, bible translations, software, and other resources for the classroom and research. Multiple and contrasting reviews are often presented. The material reviewed and our reviewers come from varied academic, social, and religious perspectives.
- International: RBL provides a forum for international scholarly exchange and cutting edge innovations with reviews of German, French, Italian, and English books as well as reviews in those languages. Our editorial board includes members from across the globe.
- Timely: RBL produces reviews of the most recent titles in biblical studies.
- Authoritative: RBL reviews are written by the most qualified scholars available, whether a member of the SBL or the broader scholarly guild, and are vetted to ensure their quality by a highly regarded editorial board.
In order to receive the printed annual of the Review of Biblical Literature for 2013 your subscription and payment needs to be received by October 15, 2013. The subscription form can be found at: .
You can print the form, fill it out and mail it with your payment or payment information to 825 Houston Mill Road, Suite 213 Atlanta , GA 30329. Or, you can fax it to 404-727-2419. If you prefer you can renew your subscription online by logging into the website at and following the directions.
See full job listings
The Employment Center, sponsored by SBL and the American Academy of Religion, provides the opportunity for employers and those seeking employment to register for interviews at the Annual Meetings, as well as interview facilities, job listings, candidate credentials, and a messaging service. The point is for both candidates and employers to reduce costs of travel and time by facilitating the engagement of both parties in multiple interviews in a neutral environment. As the Annual Meetings are the major congressional venue for reporting current research, meeting colleagues, and making new connections, they also offers candidates the opportunity to obtain professional development—by engaging scholars, hearing lectures, giving papers, and participating in sessions.
Learn more about the Employment Center, job listings, and employer and candidate registration for the Annual Meetings here.
Click here for full calender
November 2012 |
11/15 |
CFP Deadline
Gods, Objects, and Ritual Practice in Ancient Mediterranean Religion
Ritual implements, votive gifts, cult statues, magical gems, and the like, have frequently been the object of ancient textual reflection as well as modern archaeological and art historical investigation. But these items have not always been sufficiently investigated in their context, for what they can tell us about ancient religious practice. This Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions conference invites papers which engage with this question in one of two ways:
1) historically, how did the ancient people we study use objects to mediate between the human and the divine?
2) methodologically, how are scholars to use these objects – either as represented in texts or recovered from sites – as means to investigating the cultural and historical realities of ancient religion?
The historical framework of the investigation is the ancient Mediterranean, open to periods from prehistoric through early Byzantine. Papers are invited from a broad range of disciplines, including ancient Jewish and Christian studies, Classics, art history, anthropology, philosophy, and history. We especially encourage papers which contribute to the theoretical and methodological questions, and offer interdisciplinary or cross-cultural perspectives. Recent PhDs and graduate students are welcome to submit proposals.
Abstracts of 500-600 words for a paper to take 15 to 20 minutes to read should be submitted by email attachment as .doc or .rtf files to Abstracts should contain a title and a word count, but no identifying information. All abstracts will be judged by our Program Committee.
For further information, contact Eric Orlin at
11/17- 11/20 |
SBL Annual Meeting
Chicago, Illinois
December 2012 |
12/12-12/14 |
The Panoply of Judaisms in the 1st-3rd Centuries (Christians, Rabbis and Synagogues)
This international meeting will happen at the Institute of the Biblical Sciences (University of Lausanne, CH) and is co-organized by Claire Clivaz, Simon Mimouni and Bernard Pouderon.
Speakers will be: Marie-Françoise Baslez, Ra'anan Boustan, Bogdan Bucur, Claire Clivaz, José Costa, Jörg Frey, Emmanuel Friedheim, David Hamidovic, Hervé Inglebert, Daniel Marguerat, Simon Mimouni, Ron Naiweld, Etienne Nodet, Bernard Pouderon, Annette Yoshiko Reed, Benjamin Bertho, Simon Butticaz, Charlotte Touati.
The profound change that research is currently undergoing demands a shift in thinking about all forms of Judaism, not just the rabbinic or Christian movements but also synagogue Judaism. For several centuries, both the Christians and the Rabbis 'attempted' to achieve a Utopian unity, as improbable as it is impossible, by defining their boundaries in terms of notions such as heresy and canon. In so doing, they each diminished the influence of synagogue Judaism and in places smoothed it over to the point of apparently effacing it forever. It is in the light of these changes in perspective that the organisers of this colloquium would like to reconsider all the forms of Judaism after 70CE , with the aim of taking stock of the increasingly numerous shifts occurring in this area of high-level research.
See Program, information and inscription here. |
12/20-12/21 |
The Society for Biblical Studies in India (SBSI) will hold its biennial conference in Bangalore, Whitefield at the Ecumenical Christian Center. The Theme for this conference is: Biblical Jubilee: Indian Liberation Hermeneutics.
For more information contact Rev. Dr. K. Jesurathnam, Secretary, SBSI.
January 2013 |
1/3-1/6 |
Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting (LSA)
Boston Marriott Copley Place in Boston, Massachusetts
More information
1/3-1/6 |
Archaeological Institute of America and the American Philological Association
114th AIA and APA Joint Annual Meeting will be held in Seattle, Washington
AIA information
APA information |
1/17-1/18 |
Call for Papers: Christology: Ancient and Modern, Explorations in Constructive Theology
Los Angeles Theology Conference, Biola University, La Mirada, CA. Christology was the central doctrine articulated by the early councils, and it remains the subject of vigorous theological investigation today. This first annual Los Angeles Theology Conference seeks to make a positive contribution to contemporary dogmatics in intentional engagement with the Christian traditions.
A panel of accomplished plenary speakers will survey the field and seek to articulate the sources, norms, and criteria for constructive theological work. Those with completed doctorate degrees in the fields of systematic theology are also invited to submit paper proposals on this year's theme.
More Information
February 2013 |
2/8- 2/10 |
SBL Midwest Regional Meeting
Olivet Nazarene University, Bourbonnais, Illinois
More information |
March 2013 |
3/8- 3/10 |
SBL Southwestern Regional Meeting
Marriott DFW, North Dallas, Texas
More information |
3/13- 3/15 |
SBL Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting
Sheraton Baltimore City, Baltimore Maryland
More information |
3/15- 3/17 |
Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion (SECSOR)
Regional meeting will be held at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina
More information |
3/15- 3/18 |
Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society
Portland, Oregon, Portland Hilton & Executive Tower
More information |
3/17- 3/18 |
SBL Central States Regional Meeting
St. Louis Marriott, ST. Louis, Missouri
More information |
3/21-3/23 |
Colloquy on Eucharist and Ecclesiology
Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Texas.
In contemporary Christian theology in an ecumenical age, the retrieval of ancient practices in a new era is an important move. Eucharistic theology and ecclesiology converge in significant ways in our time, and this convergence requires the interdisciplinary work of scholars of the Bible, early Christianity, and liturgics.
This colloquy will feature three presentations on the intersection of eucharist and ecclesiology by scholars from the Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Greek Orthodox traditions. They are:
Dr. Gary D. Badcock (Huron University), Fr. Dennis Farkasfalvy, O. Cist. (Cistercian Abbey, University of Dallas), and Dr. Paul Meyendorff (St. Vladamir's Orthodox Seminary in Washington, D. C.).
In addition there will be three working groups on topics related to this conference theme. Paper proposals are invited, and the submission deadline is January 15, 2013. For additional information see the website at or contact the organizers by email.
3/23- 3/25 |
SBL Pacific Coast Regional Meeting
Regional meeting will be held at Hope International University in Fullerton, California
More information |
April 2013 |
4/4- 4/5 |
SBL Eastern Great Lakes Regional Meeting
Clarion Hotel Lake Erie, Erie Pennsylvania
More information |
4/5- 4/6 |
SBL Rocky Mountains- Great Plains Regional Meeting
Denver Seminary, Denver, Colorado
More information |
4/5- 4/6 |
SBL Upper Midwest Regional Meeting
Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota
More information |
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