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April 26, 2012 e-newsletter
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Meeting News
Annual Meeting
We have recently posted our Annual Meetings 2012 travel brochure on the website. This includes information on registration, hotel reservations, tours, workshops, travel tips and more. If you are interested in attending the Annual Meeting in Chicago, take a look! Register now and make plans to enjoy time with your colleagues in a great city.
International Meeting
Registration for the International Meeting in Amsterdam, The Netherlands is available online! Be sure to register now and make your travel plans.
The meeting, happening 22-26 July 2012 at the Universiteit van Amsterdam, is being held in conjunction with the European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) and the triennial joint meeting of the Oudtestamentish Werkgezelschap in Nederland en België (OTW) and the Society for Old Testament Study (SOTS).
The Program Book for the 2012 International Meeting in Amsterdam is available online, here!
Regional Meetings
Most of the 2012 Regional Meetings have concluded by now, though two remain (see below). Thanks to all participants and to those who put so much time and effort into making the meetings successful!
New England Region on
April 27 at
Newton Centre, MA
Pacific Northwest Region on
May 11-13 in
Portland, Oregon
SBL Spring Book Sale
Almost all new, recent, and backlisted SBL and BJS titles are available to SBL members at a thirty percent discount during the spring sale.
Download the order form, then mail, fax, or phone your order by May 31.
If you prefer to order at the SBL Store, make sure to use the promo code SPG2012 at checkout to receive your discount.
The Society Fund
As the academic year comes to a close take this time to reflect on those who made a significant impact on your life. Give to the Society Fund in honor or memory of someone special.
Thank you for your membership and gifts to the SBL.
See full job listings
Click here for full calender
April 2012 |
4/27 |
SBL New England Regional Meeting
Andover-Newton Theo. School, Newton Centre, MA
More information |
4/30 |
Call for Papers Deadline
Stockholm 2012: "Ends and Beginnings." The 11th European Association for the Study of Religions(EASR ) Annual Conference, Södertörn University, Stockholm, 23-26 August 2012 with a Special Panel Session: Pentateuchal Mysticism? Ancient Israelite Priestly Initiation
Submit a 200-word abstract
More information.. |
4/30- 5/4 |
The 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
The conference will be held in Warsaw, Poland. It will be organised jointly by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology University of Warsaw and Institute of Archaeology University of Warsaw.
More information
May 2012 |
5/2- 5/5 |
Creation, Conflict and Cosmos
A conference on Romans 5- 8 in celebration of Princeton Theological Seminary's Bicentennial
Presentations will be offered by an outstanding group of international scholars, including:
John M.G. Barclay, Durham University; Martinus C. de Boer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Susan Grove Eastman, Duke University Divinity School; Neil Elliott, Fortress Press; Beverly Roberts Gaventa, Princeton Theological Seminary; J. Louis Martyn, Union Theological Seminary (emeritus); Ben Myers, Charles Sturt University School of Theology, Sydney; Stephen Westerholm, McMaster University; Philip G. Ziegler, King’s College, University of Aberdeen
More information. |
5/3-5/6 |
Association of Ancient Historians (AAH)
The annual meeting in 2012 will be held May 3-6 and will be jointly hosted by Duke University and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. The primary organizers are Mary Boatwright (Duke) and Fred Naiden and Richard Talbert (UNC Chapel Hill). Seven paper sessions are planned. In addition to paper sessions, the meeting will include the traditional opening reception and Saturday banquet. Call for papers is now open. Details are posted as they become available on the 2012 AAH Meeting page.
5/7- 5/11 |
Thinking of Water in the Late Persian/Early Hellenistic period in Judah
A workshop at University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, CanadaOrganizers: University of Alberta and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich.
More information.. |
5/10 |
Application Deadline
The Erasmus Academy NY offers real-time online summer language programs in research languages.
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5/11-5/13 |
SBL Pacific Northwest Regional Meeting
Concordia University in Portland, Oregon
More information
5/15 |
Call for Papers Deadline
Conference on Gender Studies at the Interface of the humaniora. University of Johannesburg is hosting the conference to provide a forum for interdisciplinary dialogue on the status of gender research within the Humanities. The intention is to bring together academics, researchers, students, and activists, to explore how women’s experiences in South African society have been structured, impacted, controlled or ignored.
More information.. |
5/18- 5/19 |
Ephesus as a Religious Center under the Principate
In honor of Richard E. Oster on the occasion of his 65th birthday. The conference will be held on the campus of Harding School of Theology in Memphis, Tennessee
See facebook page for more information.
5/24- 5/26 |
RRENAB International Meeting
The Réseau de Recherche en Narratologie et Bible (RRENAB) organizes an international Conference on the Role of the Reader in the Interpretation of Biblical texts. The meeting takes place in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) from May 24-26, 2012. Papers and seminars are in French.
More information.. |
5/25- 5/27 |
The Other Temples
First Annual Conference of Hekhal: The Irish Society for the Study of the Ancient Near East
Hekhal is an academic association established by four graduates and postgraduates of Trinity College Dublin. The society’s primary aim is to facilitate rigorous research in Ireland in the fields of Biblical Studies, Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Archaeology and Historiography, towards a more comprehensive understanding of the Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern worlds and their texts.
The role of the temple cult is extremely important for Judaism despite Deuteronomic centralisation never being fully realised. As such, other Jewish temples may offer a fruitful area for discussing the development of Judaism in the Ancient Near East. We are therefore calling for papers dealing with temple ideology and its material culture in the context of temples other than the one in Jerusalem, whether those be real ones such as Elephantine, Leontopolis or Gerizim, or conceptual ones like the Qumran Yahad or the new Jerusalem in Revelation. The committee would hope to receive submissions on topics as diverse as diaspora Judaism, early Christianity, Qumran, early Samaritan studies, and any other historiographic and/or archaeological fields of research referencing these paradigms.
More information on the society and the conference.
5/28- 5/31 |
Prophecy and Politics in Ancient Israel and in Ancient Cultures
The Department of Biblical Studies at the University of Haifa is holding an international conference to examine the biblical prophets and prophecy in ancient cultures in general—within the geographical compass of Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Levant—from the beginnings of writing until the first century CE. The focus will be on the attitudes of ancient writers and readers to political-historical events.
A one day excursion is planned: In the footsteps of Elijah, Elisha and the necromancer of En-Dor.
More information will be forthcoming. |
5/31 – 6/3 |
Conference on “The Christian Moses”
The Catholic University of America's Center for the Study of Early Christianity will host a conference in Washington DC on the topic of the "Christian Moses." Speakers will investigate how early Christians (to the seventh century CE) used traditions associated with Moses, along with significant Jewish traditions and early Islamic references to Moses. The conference will have a single-session format to encourage maximum interaction among all participants: speakers, local and visiting scholars, and graduate students. Call for Papers Deadline is December 31, 2011
More information |
June 2012 |
6/5–6/6 |
A Logos Bible Software event in Chicago, Illinois. Speakers to include John Walton, Scot McKnight, Pete Enns, Craig Evans and many more.
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6/6 – 6/9 |
Trauma and Traumatization: In and Beyond Biblical Literature
An international conference held at Aarhus University, Denmark. The conference is decidedly interdisciplinary, and aims to demonstrate how a highly developed expertise in interpreting Biblical and cognate literature is a substantial part of the overall discourse on the historical, literary, social, political, and religious dimensions of trauma in past and present.
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6/13 – 6/15 |
Society of Asian Biblical Studies (SABS)
The next meeting of the Society of Asian Biblical Studies will be held in Sabah, Malaysia from the 13-15 June 2012. Arrival the 12th and departure on the 16th. Kindly block these dates in your calendar and look for updates on the SABS website.
More information |
6/13-6/17 |
Annual Conference on the State of Higher Education
Hosted by the American Association of University Professors at the Mayflower Renaissance, Washington DC.
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6/18-6/20 |
American Association of University Presses
AAUP 2012 will be held Holiday Inn Mart Plaza - Chicago, Illinois
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6/27- 6/30 |
Orality and Literacy in the Ancient World X: Tradition, Transmission, and Adaptation
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
This iteration of the biennial conference on Orality and Literacy will consider the differences between oral and written transmissions, as well as their interactions. When knowledge crosses cultural and linguistic boundaries, does it matter whether it is transmitted orally or in writing? Are written texts always less fluid than oral performances? How should we think about the different kinds of writing as methods of transmitting information, from the wax tablet to the monumental inscription?
The conference will include an excursion to Detroit and a session introducing Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) oral tradition, and an opportunity to visit the University of Michigan's renowned papyrus collection.
For further information, please email Ruth Scodel |
6/29 |
The Future of Biblical Interpretation: Responsible Plurality in Biblical Hermeneutics
A one day conference, honouring Professor Anthony C. Thiselton Speakers (provisional): Anthony Thiselton, James Dunn, Walter Moberly, Robert Morgan, Stanley Porter, Richard Briggs, Tom Greggs, Matthew Malcolm
To be held at the University of Nottingham. e-mail Matthew Malcolm for more information |
July 2012 |
7/9- 7/20 |
Polemos/Pulmus: Ways of Confrontation in Judaism, Paganism and Christianity in Late Antiquity
A summer course offered by the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, Hungary.The course aims at exploring the nature and various ways of confrontation between and within Early and Rabbinic Judaism, the Early Church, and Pagan religions and schools of thought. The sessions discuss how these movements coped with conflicts within and without; what their strategies were in confronting and accommodating foreign ideas, competing religions, worldly powers or internal subversion; and what role these external and internal confrontations played in shaping them.Course faculty include Daniel Boyarin, Shaye J. D. Cohen, John M. Dillon, Mark Edwards and Guy G. Stroumsa. More information. |
7/10- 7/13 |
Paul's Letter to the Galatians & Christian Theology
University of St Andrews' Fourth Triennial Scripture & Theology Conference in St Andrews, Scotland
Keynote speakers will be Richard Hays, George Washington Ivey Professor of New Testament at Duke Divinity School, Durham, North Carolina, Oliver O'Donovan, Professor of Christian Ethics and Practical Theology at the University of Edinburgh (New College) and N.T. Wright Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins, University of St Andrews (St Mary’s College). Major papers will be given by Jean-Noel Aletti, Lewis Ayres, John Barclay, Ivor Davidson, Beverly Gaventa, Bruce McCormack, Karla Pollmann, Volker Rabens, Thomas Soding, Kendall Soulen, Timothy Wengert & Simeon Zahl.
Call for papers now open with the deadline for submission being 1 April 2012. We invite proposals for short papers that relate Galatians to Christian theology and culture including: Galatians and Art; Christian Doctrine; Ethics; The History of Interpretation; Eschatology; Jewish and Christian Readings of Galatians. Abstracts of not more than 300 words should be sent to
More information >>>
7/15- 7/20 |
The 8th Congress of the Société d’Etudes Samaritaines
will take place in Erfurt (Germany), jointly organized by the SÉS and the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Faculty of Theology. The Congress of the SÉS meets every four years and is the most important meeting of experts working in the field of Samaritan studies worldwide.
Lectures may deal with any aspect of the Samaritan community, their contemporary life and living conditions, their history, their religion and their laws, their literature and languages etc. Scholars who wish to give a paper at this conference are invited to submit their proposal before 2nd January 2012. The proposal should state the paper’s topic, purpose, and main argu¬ments, to be evaluated for acceptance by the scientific committee of the conference. A lecture should not exceed 30 min (plus 10 min discussion). SÉS-membership is not required at the time of submitting. Junior scholars are especially encouraged to submit a proposal.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Stefan Schorch
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg Theologische Fakultät D - 06099 Halle (Saale) Germany for more information.
7/22-7/26 |
SBL International Meeting (ISBL)
The Universiteit van Amsterdam will host the 2012 SBL International Meeting. SBL will organize this meeting in conjunction with the 2012 annual conference of the European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) and the triennial joint meeting of the Oudtestamentish Werkgezelschap in Nederland en België (OTW) and the Society for Old Testament Study (SOTS).
For more information |
7/22-7/26 |
European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS)
EABS meeting will be in conjunction with the International SBL meeting (ISBL). Registration and accommodation, as well as proposal for lectures, will all be done through the SBL site.
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7/26-7/28 |
Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense LXI International Biblical Conference
Topic: Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and the Scriptures
Venue: KU Leuven, Faculty of Theology
Proposals for offered papers should be submitted to the president before April 1, 2012
President: Prof. Dr. Eibert Tigchelaar
Secretary CBL: Prof. Dr. Reimund Bieringer
For more information please contact the secretary or check the CBL conference webpage. |
7/31-8/4 |
Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas
Society for New Testament Studies (SNTS) is an international society of New Testament scholars from around the world. The 2012 annual meeting will be held in Leuven, Belgium.
More information
August 2012 |
8/6-8/7 |
Summer Conference on ”Violence as an Ethical Challenge in the Bible”
The Norwegian Summer Academy for Biblical Studies (NSABS) announces its first international meeting to be held in Kristiansand, Norway.
Invited speakers are Joshua Berman (Bar Ilan University, Israel), Lennart Boström (Örebro Missionsskola, Sweden), Karin Finsterbusch (Universität Koblenz-Landau, Germany), Friedmann Eissler (Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Germany), Lars Olov Eriksson (Johannelunds Teologiska Institution, Sweden), Georg Fischer (Universität Innsbruck, Austria), Terence Fretheim (Luther Seminary, USA), Hallvard Hagelia (Ansgar Teologiske Høgskole, Norway), Dana M. Harris (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, USA), Knut Heim (Trinity College Bristol, UK), Robert Hubbard (North Park University, USA), Årstein Justnes (Universitet i Agder, Norway), Gordon McConville (University of Gloustershire, UK), Kirsten Nielsen (Århus Universitet, DK), Kristin Moen Saxegaard (Church of Norway), Martin Webber (Evangelische-theologische Faculteit Leuven, Belgium), Tommy Wasserman (Örebro Missionsskola, Sweden), Karl William Weyde (Menighetsfakultet, Norway), Peter Wick (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany), Markus Zehnder (Ansgar Teologiske Høgskole, Norway).
The provisional schedule of the conference can be found here. |
8/15-8/17 |
Gender studies at the interface of the humaniora
University of Johannesburg is hosting the conference to provide a forum for interdisciplinary dialogue on the status of gender research within the Humanities. The intention is to bring together academics, researchers, students, and activists, to explore how women’s experiences in South African society have been structured, impacted, controlled or ignored.
More information.. |
8/23- 8/26 |
Stockholm 2012: "Ends and Beginnings."
The 11th European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR ) Annual Conference, Södertörn University, Stockholm with a Special Panel Session: Pentateuchal Mysticism? Ancient Israelite Priestly Initiation
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8/28- 8/30 |
Oceania Biblical Studies Association Annual Meeting
will be held at the Sia’atoutai Theological College in Tonga.
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