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A bi-monthly newsletter for members of the Society of Biblical Literature |
May 28, 2010
Call for Papers: $10,000 in Prizes Offered
The Biblical Archaeology Society is offering prizes totaling $10,000 for the best academic papers presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) and the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL).
The John Mancini Prize, named for John Mancini of Albuquerque, New Mexico, will be awarded for the best paper on the Archaeology of Early Christianity and the Patristic Period.
The Hershel Shanks Prize, supported by a contribution from Sami Rohr of Bal Harbour, Florida, will be awarded for the best paper on the Archaeology of Late Antique Judaism and the Talmudic Period.
A copy of the nominated paper must be sent to the Biblical Archaeology Society by January 31, 2011. For the prize to be awarded, there must be at least three entries for the applicable prize. All decisions of the judges will be final. The winners will be announced in BAR.
Fellowship Established to Honor IES President: Joseph Aviram
To honor Joseph Aviram on his retirement, BAR is establishing the Joseph Aviram Fellowship to bring an Israeli scholar to the United States each year to present a paper at the annual meeting (in November) of the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) or the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL). For many years, Joseph himself attended these meetings.
The Joseph Aviram Fellow will receive a stipend of $2,500 to cover his or her travel expenses from Israel to the United States.
Joseph Aviram has led the Israel Exploration Society (IES) for generations. More precisely, he has been associated with the society for more than 70 years. He is the face—and head—of Israeli archaeology. He is the one person more than any other who has brought the disparate elements of the Israeli archaeological behemoth together. He is the conciliator as well as the leader. He is universally admired within the academy as well as outside.
Applications for the Joseph Aviram Fellowship should be made to the Biblical Archaeology Society by July 31, 2010, and should include a curriculum vitae and a brief description of the subject of the paper, as well as an indication of past presentations at these meetings. Preference will be given to first- or second-time presenters. Applications may be e-mailed to with “Aviram Fellowship” in the subject line or mailed to:
Aviram Fellowship
c/o Biblical Archaeology Society
4710 41st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20016
ICI Teaching Collaboration Program
The ICI Teaching Collaboration Program is an SBL program that hopes to facilitate faculty cooperation, including teaching exchanges and co-supervision among scholars and institutions in different parts of the world. Our goal is to help get people in touch with each other. If you have participated in this ICI program, please let us know and tell us how the system is working for you. We welcome ideas on improving the program.
Teacher Training
SBL and University of Texas offer training for high school teachers of Bible electives this August at UT Austin.
More >>
Student Memberships
Membership in SBL by students has expanded, but we have a long way to go to be sure that biblical scholars of the future are engaged in and benefiting from the work of the Society. You can help in two ways: make students in your area aware of the special student membership rates ($10 for ICI countries; $40 for others); designate your Society Fund donation to the International Cooperation Initiative (ICI) in order to underwrite student memberships in ICI-qualifying countries.
Optional Profile Free Membership Drawing — March and April Winners!
Every month, we randomly select two members from the pool of those who have filled out the Optional Profile for a free one-year membership. March and April 2010 winners are:
Nicoly Moyse
David J. Trobisch
Ron J. Bigalke
Kari Latvus
As our privacy policy indicates, we will never divulge this information to a third party. Thank you to all of you who have supplied this optional data. If you have not yet filled in the information (or you would like to update it), you may do so by logging into our website with your SBL Member # and going to the “my profile” tab, which will appear on the left hand side of the screen in the box where you logged in. While you are filling out the Optional Profile, please make sure all of your profile information is up to date!
SBL Media Guide
To encourage SBL members to think about how they might become better spokespersons for their field, the SBL has recently published an online guide: Academics and the Media: Four Perspectives on how to give effective and responsible media interviews.
Jobs Posted in May
2010 Society Fund
Congratulations to all our graduates, you have earned your undergraduate diplomas, Master's degrees, and Ph.D. degrees. We know that you have worked hard and there have been individuals who advised and encouraged you along the way. What better way to say thank you to your professors and colleagues – make a donation today to honor those who have contributed to your success. Visit our website at – donate to SBL.
Meetings and Events
Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting will be held November 19-23 in Atlanta, Georgia. Save $25 with Early Bird Registration, which ends by the end of the day on May 31! Registration is available online.
Look for the program on the Annual Meeting webpage on June 1.
International Meeting
The program for the International Meeting in Tartu, Estonia, is available online! Be sure to register now and make your travel plans. The meeting, happening 25-29 July 2010 at the University of Tartu, is being held in conjunction with the European Association of Biblical Studies.
More information about the meeting is located on the SBL International Meeting webpage. There you will find helpful information on travel and currency, a complete guide to numerous tours, and exhibitor and advertiser information.
Order any Society of Biblical Literature or Brown Judaic Studies titles before the meeting for pickup onsite in Tartu. Books are priced with a 30% conference discount (with a very few exceptions), and there will be NO SHIPPING CHARGES for books ordered in this manner. You can order any new, recent, or backlist titles. Simply download and complete the order form, return it by 31 May 2010, and your books will be waiting for you at the SBL book exhibit in Tartu.
Reports from 2010 Regional Meetings
All Regional Meetings have concluded now. Thanks to all participants and to those who put so much time and effort into making the meetings successful!
The SBL Regions Task Force and Regional Coordinators have been working together for several months to address the requirement that we formulate new policies and procedures regarding the administration of regions, a requirement driven from outside the organization. Their work is being conducted in light of SBL's steadfast commitment to advancing biblical, religious, theological, archaeological, and trans-disciplinary scholarship at the regional level. Read the statement that was issued February 10, 2010 about the requirement.
Submit your events to Sharon Johnson.
May 2010 |
5/31-6/4 |
Invention, Rewriting, Usurpation: Discursive Fights over Religious Traditions in Antiquity
An international conference held by the research project "The Discursive Fight over Religious Texts in Antiquity," University of Aarhus, Denmark
Keynote speakers: Harold W. Attridge (Yale), Daniel Boyarin (UC Berkeley), David Brakke (Indiana University, Bloomington), Karla Pollmann (St Andrews), and Tessa Rajak (University of Reading).
5/31 |
Call for Papers Deadline
Climate Change in Oceania: Biblical and Theological Responses
OBSA & Waves of the Moana Conference: 9-10 July 2010, Auckland.
June 2010 |
6/1 - 7/26 |
2010 Online Course for Theological Faculty Teaching Online
The course is facilitated by the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Distance Education Certificate Program - a nationally recognized leader in instructional design for e-learning environments. By arrangement with the Wabash Center they will offer an 8 week online class for seminary faculty to learn about and experience effective practices for teaching online. For detail see2010 Online Course.
Please contact Thomas Pearson with questions: |
6/2- 6/5 |
Conference of the International Plutarch Society : Plutarch in the Religious and Philosophical Discourse of Late Antiquity
The Groningen Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies hosts the annual conference of the Réseau Thématique Plutarque of the European section of the International Plutarch Society. The meeting brings together a group of leading Plutarch scholars and specialists from different fields and aims to analyse both Plutarch’s own position in the wider context of the religious and philosophical world of Late Antiquity and the historical evidence he offers for religious groups, philosophical schools and concepts, cosmological, theological and anthropological views. The conference will take place under the auspices of CRASIS, the Groningen research and education institute dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of the Culture, Religion and Society of the Graeco-Roman World.
More information |
6/4 |
Symposium on Everett Ferguson
Everett Ferguson’s Baptism in the Early Church offers an exhaustive survey of the literary and material evidence for baptismal practice in the first five centuries of Christian history. This symposium, hosted by the Christian Scholars’ Conference, brings together leading scholars to engage this magisterial work and to honor its author’s contribution to ecumenical theological scholarship.
More information |
6/6-6/12 |
Nida School for Translation Studies (NSTS), University of Murcia Murcia, Spain
More Information |
6/14-6/16 |
The Society of Asian Biblical Studies (SABS) will hold its next meeting at the Divinity School, Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong. For further information, please or contact Monica Melanchthon or Tat -siong Benny Liew . SABS seeks to bring together scholars interested in and committed to Biblical Studies in various contexts of Asia/Oceania, including those in diaspora.
6/14 - 6/15 |
Re-Writing the Bible: Devotion, Diatribe and Dialogue
University of Glasgow. Keynote panellists include Michael Schmidt, Michael Symmons-Roberts, Kei Miller, Sara Maitland and Michelene Wandor
Please send abstracts (approx. 200 words) to, by no later than 19th April 2010. More information |
6/14-6/18 |
Religion & Violence
Saint Martin's University, in Lacey, Washington, presents a five-day learning experience that will explore the complex subject of religious violence. Speakers include Ken Butigan, Charles Kimball, James Wellman, and Ian Werrett. Keynote address featuring Reza Aslan, a contributing editor at The Daily Beast and internationally recognized expert on Islam and Middle Eastern politics, on June 18 from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
For more information, please visit our website:
6/29-7/2 |
The Second Annual Australasian Christian Conference, Brisbane
The organizers of the second Annual Australasian Christian Conference invite the submission of papers for presentation via its website ( The main speakers this year will be Professor Robert P. Gordon (Cambridge) and Professor Markus Bockmuehl (Oxford). Dr Jim Eisenbraun shall address conference participants at a "Getting Published" workshop on the morning of the 29th June. Please seeconference website for further details. |
July 2010 |
7/05-7/07 |
Astrology in the Ancient Near East
ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies is organizing its Twenty Ninth International Conference on the theme of Astrology in the Ancient Near East, with a special focus on the use of the Zodiac in the Syro-Mesopotamian arts, to held at the University of Oxford.
If you wish to participate in the conference, please contact our Oxford address:
ARAM, the Oriental Institute, Oxford University, Pusey Lane, Oxford OX1 2LE, England. Tel. ++1865-514041. Fax ++1865-516824. Email:
7/08-7/09 |
ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies is organizing its Thirtieth Ninth International Conference on the theme of The Zoroastrians, to held at the University of Oxford, 08-10 July 2010.
The conference aims to study Zoroastrian religion and culture, and it will start on Thursday 08 July at 9am, finishing on Saturday 10 July at 1pm. Each speaker's paper is limited to 30 minutes, with an additional 10 minutes for discussion.
If you wish to participate in the conference, please contact our Oxford address:
ARAM, the Oriental Institute, Oxford University, Pusey Lane, Oxford OX1 2LE, England. Tel. ++1865-514041. Fax ++1865-516824. Email:
7/08-7/10 |
Themes in Biblical Narrative: The Day of Atonement – International Conference at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany. Organizers: Thomas Hieke (Mainz), Tobias Nicklas (Regensburg).
See web page for more information. |
7/9-7/10 |
The Oceania Biblical Studies Association (OBSA) & Waves of the Moana Conference
on “Climate Change in Oceania: Biblical and Theological Responses. University of Auckland.
7/25- 7/29 |
SBL International Meeting, Tartu, Estonia
SBL will be meeting in conjunction with the European Association of Biblical Studies |
7/25-7/29 |
Judaism in the Mediterranean Context
Ninth European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS) Congress
Ravenna, Italy
More information |
7/26-7/28 |
Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense LVIV The book of Joshua and the land of Israel
University of Leuven - Belgium
More information |
7/26-7/30 |
The Christian Association of Librarians in Africa-K (CALA-K)
is pleased to announce this year's annual conference.The impact of the last conferences on libraries and libraries who have attended is a testimony to what the conferences mean to theological librarians.
This year's Conference will be held at CORAT Africa premises in Karen, Nairobi-Kenya:
Main theme: Improving access to information: the changing role of the librarian
More Information |
7/27-7/29 |
Indonesian Biblical Scholars Meeting in Jakarta
The theme is The Development of the Wisdom's Tradition in the Bible.
For more information e-mail Yonky Karman |
7/27-7/31 |
Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas
The 65th General Meeting of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas (SNTS) will take place in Berlin from July 27 to July 31. The Presidential Address will be given by Prof. Adela Yarbro Collins of Yale University. SNTS is the international society for New Testament Studies. It has nearly a thousand (elected) members from all over the world
More information |
7/29-7/31 |
The 14th Congress of International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (IOSCS) will be held in Helsinki, Finland together with the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament (IOSOT)1-6 August 2010).
More information |
August 2010 |
8/1-8/6 |
The 20th Congress of IOSOT (International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament) will be held in Helsinki, Finland.
There will be 15 main speakers and two panel sessions. Call for papers
Joint Congresses are International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (IOSCS) 29-31 July, International Organization for Masoretic Studies (IOMS) on 2 August, International Organization for Qumran Studies (IOQS) 2-4 August and International Organization for Targumic Studies (IOTS) 4-6 August.
More information |
8/2 |
Twenty-Third Congress of the International Organization for Masoretic Studies (IOMS), which will be held in conjunction with the Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament (IOSOT) in Helsinki.
More information |
8/9 - 8/11 |
Who Do You Think You Are?
A Conference On Gender And The Transmission Of Identity In The Hebrew Bible And Dead Sea Scrolls
King's College London
For more information see: |
September 2010 |
9/10-9/11 |
Biblical Women: Reading and Writing Women in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Queen's University, Belfast.
More Information
9/15- 9/17 |
Old Testament Society of South Africa – 53rd Annual Congress
The Old Testament Society of South Africa will hold its annual congress at the North-West University (Vaal Triangle Campus). The theme for this year’s congress is “The Old Testament and Ethics”. Paper proposals are accepted until May 29, 2010.
More information |
9/22-9/24 |
Conflict and Convergence: Jewish and Christian Approaches to the Psalms
An international conference highlighting the diverse ways of studying the Psalms.The conference is associated with the Theology Faculty at the University of Oxford and the Society for Old Testament Study and is convened by Dr Susan Gillingham and Professor John Barton.
The location will be at Worcester College, Oxford, England.
More information |
9/26- 9/28 |
Innsbrucker Deuteronomium-Tagung
A congress on Deuteronomy presented by the Theological Faculty in Innsbruck, Austria
More information |
9/30- 10/2 |
“Corinth in Contrast: Studies in Inequality”
Sponsored by: Institute for the Study of Antiquity & Christian Origins, Dept. of Religious Studies, and Dept. of Classics of the University of Texas at Austin
The conference explores the stratified nature of social, political, economic, and religious spheres at Corinth, and how the resulting inequalities are reflected in literary texts and material remains. The analysis focuses on a specific population center (the Corinthia) over a given period of time (Hellenistic to Late Antique).
More information |
9/30-10/2 |
Infancy Gospels: Stories and Identities
While the traditions concerning the birth of Jesus have always figured prominently in culture, art and Christian piety, the so-called ‘Infancy Gospels’ have been somewhat neglected in modern research, being viewed as they are as legendary or belonging to folk literature. The aim of this research seminar is to reconsider the canonical and apocryphal traditions on the infancy of Jesus, taking the themes of the identity embodied in the discourses and the multiple ways of reading the texts (historical, narrative, psychanalitic, feministic, artistic, liturgical readings, aso).
This research programm will be hold in three sessions in Switzerland in autumn 2010.
Session 1: University of Lausanne, 09/30/2010 - 10/02/2010, with Loveday Alexander, Philipp Alexander, Ra'anan Boustan, Claire Clivaz, Jörg Frey, Christophe Guignard, Sabrina Inowlocki Meister, Moises Mayordomo, Enrico Norelli, Francesca Pascendi, Anders Runesson, Jens Schröter
Next two sessions are listed below, in November and December.
Information Brochure |
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