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A bi-monthly newsletter for members of the Society of Biblical Literature |
August 20, 2010
SBL Seeks Liaisons for the International Cooperation Initiative (ICI)
In order to promote awareness of the resources and opportunities made available through the ICI to scholars, teachers, and students, we have recently asked SBL members living in qualifying countries to become official ICI liaisons.
Do you live in a qualifying country? Check this list.
Dr. Nathaniel Levtow of the University of Montana, Missoula, has graciously offered to coordinate the efforts of the ICI Liaisons and has called for volunteers to act in this capacity. Over fifty people already answered his call and have volunteered their time to this endeavor.
The ICI benefits include:
- greatly reduced SBL membership and subscription rates (with demonstrated need)
- electronic publishing opportunities in the new series, International Voices in Biblical Studies
- access to online books
- convenient access to event calendars and schedules for biblical and religious studies conferences and workshops worldwide
- opportunities for international faculty exchanges and membership programs through the ICI’s Teaching Collaboration Program
Anyone interested in becoming a liaison should contact us at
2010 Society Fund
Thank you! We appreciate your commitment to support SBL and its many programs. If you have not made your 2010 contribution, please do so today!
Visit the website at – to donate to SBL.
Project Muse
The SBL is pleased to announce that, beginning in 2011, the Journal of
Biblical Literature, the flagship journal of the field, will be available
for subscription through Project MUSE. Project MUSE is a unique
collaboration between libraries and publishers, providing 100% full-text,
affordable, and user-friendly online subscription access to current content
of prestigious humanities and social sciences journals. This new
collaboration will give JBL’s institutional library customers more options
for making its content available to their users.
ICI New Online Books
We are pleased to announce that four titles were added to the Online Books project in July/August:
Stepp, Perry L. Leadership Succession in the World of the Pauline Circle. New Testament Monographs 5. University of Sheffield, Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2005.
Kim, Uriah Y. Decolonizing Josiah: Toward a Postcolonial Reading of Deuteronomistic History. The Bible in the Modern World 5. University of Sheffield, Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2005.
De Troyer, Kristin. Rewriting the Sacred Text: What the Old Greek Texts Tell Us about the Literary Growth of the Bible. Text-Critical Studies 4. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2003.
Runia, David T. and Gregory E. Sterling, eds. The Studia Philonica Annual: Studies in Hellenistic Judaism, Volume XVII, 2005. Brown Judaic Studies 344. Providence, Brown Judaic Studies, 2005.
International Meeting
The International Meeting in Tartu was a great success! Look for the Call for Papers for the London Meeting to be posted October 1.
Annual Meeting
SBL Student Members' Reception: SBL's new Executive Director, John F. Kutsko, will join the reception. John and SAG members will lead a conversation about strategic planning for student members, their involvement in the Society, and their professional development. Information will be shared about continuing this conversation through 2011 and organizing a subsequent conversation at the San Francisco meeting. Join us with your ideas, questions, and enthusiasm!
Scholar Mentoring and Teaching Program
A diverse group of scholars has volunteered to participate in the mentoring and teaching program sponsored by SBL’s International Cooperation Initiative. Students seeking mentors are encouraged to contact these willing volunteers! Other scholars interested in the program are invited to visit for more information and sign-up forms.
In order for this program to be successful we need more institutional participation. If your institution has not yet agreed to be part of ICI, please speak with the appropriate administrator at your school to encourage support of the program. The institutional form can be found at
Jobs Currently Posted
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, Sundet Family Chair in New Testament and Christian Studies(08/16/10)
BEESON DIVINITY SCHOOL OF SAMFORD UNIVERSITY, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs(08/12/10)
BOSTON UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF RELIGION, Christianity in Modern Context (08/11/10)
THE UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN, Kirby Laing Chair of New Testament Exegesis (08/06/10)
STONEHILL COLLEGE, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies (08/03/10)
LOYOLA MARYMOUNT UNIVERSITY, Assistant Professor of Judaism (08/02/10)
LESLEY UNIVERSITY, Epicopal Divinity School Collection Services Librarian (07/30/10)
PITTSBURG THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Archivist/Records Management Librarian (Part-Time)(07/30/10)
PITTSBURG THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Electronic Services Librarian (07/30/10)
PITTSBURG THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Head of Technical Services/Lead Cataloger (07/30/10)
CLEMSON UNIVERSITY, Assistant Professor (07/21/10)
FULLER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Biblical Studies (07/16/10)
ASBURY THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Professor of New Testament (03/24/10)
Submit your events to Sharon Johnson.
September 2010 |
9/10-9/11 |
Biblical Women: Reading and Writing Women in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Queen's University, Belfast.
More Information
9/15- 9/17 |
Old Testament Society of South Africa – 53rd Annual Congress
The Old Testament Society of South Africa will hold its annual congress at the North-West University (Vaal Triangle Campus). The theme for this year’s congress is “The Old Testament and Ethics”. Paper proposals are accepted until May 29, 2010.
More information |
9/20-9/21 |
Fixing, Transmiting and Preserving: Early Jewish and Rabbinic Literature in the History of Hebrew Bible
International symposium held at the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS) in Madrid (Spain)
More information
9/22-9/24 |
Conflict and Convergence: Jewish and Christian Approaches to the Psalms
An international conference highlighting the diverse ways of studying the Psalms.The conference is associated with the Theology Faculty at the University of Oxford and the Society for Old Testament Study and is convened by Dr Susan Gillingham and Professor John Barton.
The location will be at Worcester College, Oxford, England.
More information
9/26- 9/28 |
Innsbrucker Deuteronomium-Tagung
A congress on Deuteronomy presented by the Theological Faculty in Innsbruck, Austria
More information |
9/30- 10/2 |
“Corinth in Contrast: Studies in Inequality”
Sponsored by: Institute for the Study of Antiquity & Christian Origins, Dept. of Religious Studies, and Dept. of Classics of the University of Texas at Austin
The conference explores the stratified nature of social, political, economic, and religious spheres at Corinth, and how the resulting inequalities are reflected in literary texts and material remains. The analysis focuses on a specific population center (the Corinthia) over a given period of time (Hellenistic to Late Antique).
More information |
9/30-10/2 |
Infancy Gospels: Stories and Identities
While the traditions concerning the birth of Jesus have always figured prominently in culture, art and Christian piety, the so-called ‘Infancy Gospels’ have been somewhat neglected in modern research, being viewed as they are as legendary or belonging to folk literature. The aim of this research seminar is to reconsider the canonical and apocryphal traditions on the infancy of Jesus, taking the themes of the identity embodied in the discourses and the multiple ways of reading the texts (historical, narrative, psychanalitic, feministic, artistic, liturgical readings, aso).
This research programm will be hold in three sessions in Switzerland in autumn 2010.
Session 1: University of Lausanne, 09/30/2010 - 10/02/2010, with Loveday Alexander, Philipp Alexander, Ra'anan Boustan, Claire Clivaz, Jörg Frey, Christophe Guignard, Sabrina Inowlocki Meister, Moises Mayordomo, Enrico Norelli, Francesca Pascendi, Anders Runesson, Jens Schröter
Next two sessions are listed below, in November and December.
Information on all three sessions:
October 2010 |
10/13-10/15 |
Contesting Religious Identities,
Utrecht University, the Netherlands.
Through the development of cross-disciplinary debates and integrative approaches this conference is envisioned to articulate analyses and insights as well as new research questions and agendas for the subject area of religious identity.
The conference has its own website with a wealth of information.
Questions on the programme can be directed to Professor Anne-Marie Korte or to Professor Bob Becking. Questions regarding housing an other logistics should be sent to Karin Hens. |
10/21-10/22 |
The Jewish War against Rome (66-70/74): Interdisciplinary Perspectives
A symposium at the Qumran Institute of the University of Groningen
More information |
10/23 |
Festschrift Conference honoring Reverend Professor Paul N. Tarazi, Little Falls, New Jersey, USA
For more information please see the flyer at ( |
10/27 |
Workshop for Aspiring Academics, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh
Registration is now open for the first Aspiring Academics workshop in Scotland, organised by the Subject Centre for Philosophical and Religious Studies. The deadline for registration is September 30th 2010.
Designed for research students in philosophy, theology, religious studies, biblical studies and history and philosophy of science, this workshop offers an opportunity for aspiring academics to gather and share information and advice, and to develop the skills necessary for a successful academic career in your discipline.
See the webpage for more information |
November 2010 |
11/1 |
Call for papers Deadline for the Association of Ancient Historians (AAH) Annual Meeting. The Thematic title of the 2011 meeting is “Adaptation in the Ancient World.” Papers are now solicited in the following areas of inquiry:Maritime interconnectivity in the Mediterranean (Chair, Elizabeth Green, Brock University); Greek and Roman Historiography (Chair, John Marincola, Florida State University); Ancient Political Theory (Chair, Ryan Balot, University of Toronto); Tyranny and Response (Chair, Sian Lewis, University of St. Andrews); New Directions in the History of War (Chair, Lee Brice, Western Illinois University); Swords and Sandals: The Ancient World in Modern Media (Chair, Rachael Goldman, CUNY); Religious Innovation and Empire (Chair, Robert von Thaden, Mercyhurst College); Women and Religion in Greece and Rome (Chair, Michelle Salzman, UCLA) Egypt (Chair, Carlis White, Slippery Rock University); The Ancient Near East (Chair, Cindy Nimchuk, Mercyhurst College); Open panel(s) for strong papers in other categories (Chairs, TBA)
More Information |
11/5-11/6 |
Infancy Gospels: Stories and Identities
While the traditions concerning the birth of Jesus have always figured prominently in culture, art and Christian piety, the so-called ‘Infancy Gospels’ have been somewhat neglected in modern research, being viewed as they are as legendary or belonging to folk literature. The aim of this research seminar is to reconsider the canonical and apocryphal traditions on the infancy of Jesus, taking the themes of the identity embodied in the discourses and the multiple ways of reading the texts (historical, narrative, psychanalitic, feministic, artistic, liturgical readings, aso).
This research programm will be hold in three sessions in Switzerland in autumn 2010.
Session 2: University of Geneva, 11/05/2010 - 11/06/2010, with Frédéric Amsler, Jean-Claude Basset, Valentina Calzolari, Andreas Dettwiler, Adriana Destro et Mauro Pesce, Christian Grappe, François Rosset, Andrea Taschl-Erber
A previous session was held in September 2010 and the final session is listed in December.
Information on all three sessions: |
11/17-11/19 |
Symposium on the Johannine Epistles
Hosted by the McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University in Atlanta.
The Symposium will feature major presentations by D. Moody Smith, Jr., Judith Lieu, John Painter, and Jan G. van der Watt and short papers by Paul Anderson, R. Alan Culpepper, Peter Rhea Jones, Craig Koester, Andreas Kostenberger, Gail R. O’Day, David Rensberger, Urban C. (Cam) von Wahlde, and others.
Registration: $150 payable to McAfee School of Theology
Hotels:Hampton Inn (Northlake) or Comfort Suites (North Lake)
Program and Schedule (draft copy)
For more information contact: Diane Frazier, 678 547-6470 or |
11/19- 11/23 |
SBL Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia |
December 2010 |
12/3-12/4 |
Infancy Gospels: Stories and Identities
While the traditions concerning the birth of Jesus have always figured prominently in culture, art and Christian piety, the so-called ‘Infancy Gospels’ have been somewhat neglected in modern research, being viewed as they are as legendary or belonging to folk literature. The aim of this research seminar is to reconsider the canonical and apocryphal traditions on the infancy of Jesus, taking the themes of the identity embodied in the discourses and the multiple ways of reading the texts (historical, narrative, psychanalitic, feministic, artistic, liturgical readings, aso).
This research programm will be hold in three sessions in Switzerland in autumn 2010.
Session 3: University of Fribourg, 12/03/2010 - 12/04/2010, with Simon Butticaz, Elian Cuvillier, Luc Devillers, Daniel Gerber, Ursula Ulrike Kaiser, Jean-Daniel Kaestli, Isabelle Saint-Martin, Sever J. Voicu, Benedict Viviano
Previous sessions were held in September and November 2010.
Information on all three sessions: |
Our mailing address is:
825 Houston Mill Road, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 30329
Our telephone:
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