“History” in Good Faith and Exemplary Wisdom: a Comparison of Hebrews 11 and Sirach 44–45

Both Hebrews and Sirach provide a review of the history of Israel. In doing so the authors are far from giving an aimless presentation of historical figures or facts, but instead appropriate history for their present. Hebrews 11 reviews the history of Israel with a primary emphasis on the faith exemplified by various characters of the biblical tradition. Ben Sira, however, provides the first historical review in wisdom literature some 250 years earlier, focusing on how wisdom propels history forward, through its embodiment in particular wise men and their deeds. This paper investigates the presentation of the biblical characters referred to in both scriptures. What does each text focus on? And what is the character’s “purpose” in Israel’s “history” according to Sirach or Hebrews?