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Thanks for the nice writeup about JSIJ! Please note, however, the following omission from this writeup, which ought to be rectified: the Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Prof. James L. Kugel, deserves to be mentioned. In his capacity as Editor-in-Chief, he is deeply involved in all academic aspects of the journal, not just technical and administrative issues of the sort discussed in various parts of the article.
Leib Moscovitz, Managing Editor, JSIJ

Since the author's own institution is in Africa, I take this opportunity also to mention the JSTOR is making collections freely available to African educational institutions. This is an extremely important and interesting initiative. Any members of SBL who has institutional connections in Africa should bring this to the attention of those responsible for providing access to resources there. For documentation on JSTOR's Open Africa Initiative, see:

And finally, if you search for "open access" in the (Abzu database ), you'll get a list of more than 170 open access journals/newsletters/etc. dealing with, or relevant to, the study of the ancient world (i.e. Biblical Studies/ANE/Egypt/Middle Eastern/Mediterranean/Classics.
Charles E. Jones, Head Librarian, The Blegen Library

Editor's Note: For further information on JSTOR and its affiliates, including Aluka, see the article that appeared in The SBL Forum over the summer: JSTOR Report

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Citation: , " On Kinbar," SBL Forum , n.p. [cited Aug 2006]. Online:



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