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<< Return to SBL Forum Archive Thomas Overholt 1935-2005

Thomas Overholt, a retired University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (UW-SP) professor of religious studies, died August 8, 2005, of complications from leukemia.

He was an active member of SBL as well as AAR. He conducted research that led to publications on the topics of biblical philosophy, the cross-cultural comparison of prophecy and, to a lesser extent, native American religions.

After earning his master's degrees from the University of Chicago Divinity School, he studied for his doctorate in Old Testament. He joined the Philosophy Department at University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point in 1975 and retired from UW-SP as chair of the Philosophy Department in 1999.

He wrote four books. Clothed-in-Fur and Other Tales: An Introduction to an Ojibwa World View with J. Baird Callicott, a former UW-SP philosophy faculty member, was published in 1982; Prophecy in Cross Cultural Perspective: A Sourcebook for Biblical Researchers in 1986 as part of a Scholars Press series; and Channels of Prophecy: The Social Dynamics of Prophetic Activity in 1989. His last book, Cultural Anthropology and the Old Testament, was published in 1996.

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