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<< Return to SBL Forum Archive Wabash Luncheon for Graduate Students

Once again, at the Annual Meeting of the AAR and SBL, the Wabash Center and the AAR Student Liaison are sponsoring a special luncheon and conversation with experienced faculty members. The event provides the opportunity for small groups of advanced graduate students to sit down with experienced faculty and discuss in a safe, hospitable, and casual atmosphere the fears, challenges, and rewards of teaching.

This year's luncheon is scheduled for:
Sunday, November 21, 2004, from 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM.
The lunch is free, but you must pre-register and attendance is limited to the first 75 students who sign-up.

For additional information and to register:

Since space is limited, the sponsors ask that you wait until the last year or so of your graduate career to register (this is a recurring annual event at the national conference), and that you check your conference schedule to make sure you'll be able to arrive on time and stay until the end.

Immediately following the luncheon is another session sponsored by the Wabash Center and the AAR Student Liaison. This session is also designed to be informative while providing maximum opportunity for collegial cross-conversation about teaching.

"Introducing the Teaching Portfolio"
(A21-51, Sunday, 1:00 pm-3:30 pm)
—no advanced registration required—

A candidate's teaching portfolio plays an important role in the evaluation process for doctoral students (and others) interviewing for academic positions. This session will identify and explain the various components of teaching portfolios and will provide practical advice for assisting job applicants in compiling portfolios that best demonstrate their own teaching qualifications.

Citation: , " Wabash Luncheon for Graduate Students," SBL Forum , n.p. [cited Nov 2004]. Online:



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